Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

Then thou shalt say before the Lord thy God, I have brought away the hallowed things out of mine house. —Deuteronomy 26:13

The hallowed things are those items that have been set aside and anointed by God Himself.

Belshazzar took the goblets from the House of God for his party, and his guests held them high as they toasted their pagan gods (Daniel 5:4). God didn’t wait to punish him. That same night his enemies invaded the land and he was slain. Tithing is a non-negotiable issue in God’s kingdom. Ten percent of your earnings are earmarked by God, and what is His belongs to Him alone.

Don’t bring cursing to what God has meant to bless and prosper you. He asks us to bring Him the “hallowed things” because He separates and releases those things with miracle-working power. When God touches that money you give back to Him, He can multiply it until a mountain of obligations disappear.

Tithing is not a duty, but a joy. You are not losing what is yours. You are simply giving to God what already belongs to Him. When you tithe, you release a blessing not a curse into your house and into the House of God.

Thank You, Lord, for the privilege and joy of tithing.
Make my life a blessing to others. Amen.

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