Ten Commandments

  • Let’s Confront ‘Separation of Church and State’ Myth

    Let’s Confront ‘Separation of Church and State’ Myth

    On Wednesday June 19, Governor Jeff Landry of Louisiana signed a bill into law requiring the Ten Commandments to be displayed in all of the state’s public schools. Secular organizations such as the ACLU immediately threatened lawsuits because, according to them, this bill violates the “separation of church and state.” However, no one can find

  • Louisiana Schools to Display 10 Commandments Under New Law

    Louisiana Schools to Display 10 Commandments Under New Law

    Louisiana has become the first state to require the Ten Commandments to be displayed in every public school classroom. Republican Governor Jeff Landry signed HB71 into law on Wednesday, June 19, after it passed in the Louisiana Senate in a 30-8 vote and then passed in the state House by a 79-16 vote last month.

  • Is There a Revival of the Ten Commandments in Schools?

    Is There a Revival of the Ten Commandments in Schools?

    Is America on the precipice of bringing God back into the fold of society and righting the wrong that was made decades ago? As education in America continues to sputter and fail at actually instructing youth in being productive, moral and upstanding citizens, it now appears that several states are going back to the basics

  • Atheists Rage Over Gigantic Ten Commandments Display

    Atheists Rage Over Gigantic Ten Commandments Display

    We live in an age when people are openly rejecting the cures to society’s ailments. When repentance and humility offer a path back into God’s blessing and protection, sojourners instead reject them and embrace atheism and humanism. But it is not enough to just reject God’s ways, they must actively be hunted down and removed

  • Obeying Parents Is Not the Same as Honoring Parents

    Obeying Parents Is Not the Same as Honoring Parents

    We live in a broken world filled with broken families—families in which many sons and daughters have been raised to believe in the G-D of the Bible and to be responsible to live by the Ten Commandments. Most understand and do what they can to keep these commandments, but an increasing number struggle with the

  • Will the Ten Commandments Return to State Buildings?

    Will the Ten Commandments Return to State Buildings?

    A campaign is underway to restore the Ten Commandments monument to its rightful place in the Alabama Judicial Building ,following its removal in 2003. With recent acknowledgments of the right to honor God in the public square, proponents are now urging the Alabama Supreme Court to rectify the removal and reinstate the commandments. Dean Johnson,

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