Joseph Mattera

  • 7 Traits of a Bitter Person

    7 Traits of a Bitter Person

    Hebrews 12:15 tells us a root of bitterness can spring up and defile many. This is because bitterness can spread to others even through multiple generations. When it comes to a person’s emotional state, bitterness refers to a lingering sense of resentment, anger or disappointment. This feeling often arises from perceived injustices, betrayals or unfulfilled

  • 10 Ways Woke Culture Is Reframing Civilization

    10 Ways Woke Culture Is Reframing Civilization

    The book of Genesis recounts how Adam named and categorized the animals, highlighting the profound significance of defining and classifying God’s creation (Gen. 2:19-20). As God’s vice regent, Adam used his act of naming as a powerful assertion of authority, underscoring that the one who defines a thing holds power over it. Throughout history, the

  • 9 Ways to Keep Missional Fire Burning

    9 Ways to Keep Missional Fire Burning

    As Timothy oversaw the church in Ephesus, Paul exhorted him to “fan into flame the gift of God” (2 Tim. 1:6b, NIV). Despite this, within a generation, the church in Ephesus faced a stern rebuke from Jesus for abandoning its first love, with the only remedy being a return to its initial deeds (Rev. 2:2-5).

  • 10 Reasons Our Finances Reveal Devotion to God

    10 Reasons Our Finances Reveal Devotion to God

    In the Gospels, Jesus spoke about money more than most other subjects. He viewed money as a significant indicator of one’s heart and spiritual state. He used parables and His teachings as a way to depict deeper spiritual lessons and priorities.  The following are 10 reasons our finances reveal our devotion to God:  1. Where

  • 8 Ways the Kingdom Connects Us to Garden of Eden

    8 Ways the Kingdom Connects Us to Garden of Eden

    When Jesus came as the last Adam (1 Cor. 15:45), He announced the Good News of the kingdom of God (Mark 1:14). What is the kingdom of God? The rule of God emanates from the throne of God in heaven. Hence, the kingdom of God rules over all creation (Ps. 22:28. 24:1. 103:19).  When Jesus

  • God Releases the End-Times Flood

    God Releases the End-Times Flood

    With the destruction of Judeo/Christian values in Western culture, people are left to order their lives through means outside of the biblical narrative. This means that presently, we have a free-for-all system where every person defines their own laws, ethics and values. Self-expression is the new ethos, and even if self-destructive lifestyles diminish a society’s

  • Wise Preacher Reflects on Aging Well

    Wise Preacher Reflects on Aging Well

    This is part two of a two-part article. Find part one at this link. 1.  Injustice’s mystery and judgment’s certainty. “I saw under the sun the place of judgment, that wickedness was there, and the place of righteousness, that iniquity was there” (Eccl. 8:10)  Here, the Preacher notes the perplexing presence of injustice in expected places of

  • Wise Preacher Offers Insights on Life’s Meaning

    Wise Preacher Offers Insights on Life’s Meaning

    This is part two of a two-part article. Find part one at this link. The book of Ecclesiastes is a profound piece of wisdom literature in the Old Testament, attributed to Solomon (referred to as “the Preacher” or “the Teacher”). It delves into the meaning of life and the vanity (meaninglessness) of worldly pursuits without

  • 5 Ways the Church Can Restore Creation’s Harmony

    5 Ways the Church Can Restore Creation’s Harmony

    This is part two of a two-part article. Read part one at this link. Unfortunately, the fall of humanity, as depicted in Genesis 3, introduced discord into God’s well-ordered system, which disrupted the perfect harmony between heaven and earth, between the spiritual and natural realms, in the following ways: 1.There was a disruption of the

  • Creation as Worship: Mirroring God’s Tabernacle

    Creation as Worship: Mirroring God’s Tabernacle

    This is part one of a two-part article. Find part two at this link. The word “liturgy” originates from the Greek term leitourgia, which means “public service” or “work of the people.” While it is most commonly associated with religious worship, particularly the structured form of public worship in Christian contexts, the concept can be

  • 10 Hindrances to a National Awakening

    10 Hindrances to a National Awakening

    Christians everywhere hope for a national awakening that will preserve and revive their nation. However, an awakening does not merely come because people hope and pray for it. Certain preconditions must take place before a nation experiences a spiritual awakening.  By “awakening,” I am referring to masses of people in a community, city or nation

  • 7 More Reasons Christians Should Believe in Divine Healing

    7 More Reasons Christians Should Believe in Divine Healing

    Last week, I began a two-part series about divine healing. Click here to read part 1; part 2 is below.  7 Reasons Christians Should Believe in Divine Healing 8. Jesus said healing is an expression of God’s goodness. In Mark 3:1-6, Jesus identified healing as an act of goodness and a means of saving lives. Furthermore, Acts

  • 7 Reasons Christians Should Believe in Divine Healing

    7 Reasons Christians Should Believe in Divine Healing

    Some individuals within the church mistakenly align the doctrine of physical healing with the so-called prosperity gospel. While I challenge the tenets of the prosperity gospel, it’s crucial to acknowledge that God’s willingness to bestow physical and material blessings upon us stems from His inherent goodness. The real contention with the prosperity gospel lies not

  • Leadership Styles: Lateral or Vertical?

    Leadership Styles: Lateral or Vertical?

    Through the years, I have observed various leadership styles and methods. Some are effective in certain contexts but significantly limit their reach because of their limited perspective. This article aims to explore the differences between what I call “lateral” and “vertical” leadership. By lateral leadership, I refer to a person who is horizontal in scope

  • Avoiding 12 Hazards of Executive Leadership

    Avoiding 12 Hazards of Executive Leadership

    As somebody who has served in executive leadership and with senior-level leaders for many decades, I have observed the following 12 hazards of executive leadership: 1. Constant stress. Stress is unavoidable. Every time a person has a responsibility to fulfill, some stress comes with it. Not all stress is bad. However, there is often a

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