
  • God’s Word to America’s Compromised Evangelical Churches

    God’s Word to America’s Compromised Evangelical Churches

    With the shocking revelations of the moral sins of pastors of well-known megachurches, I am reminded of something the Lord said to me in 2015, shortly after the U.S. Supreme Court had legalized same-sex marriage. It happened late one night as I sat in my chair grieving about America’s cultural descent into moral confusion and

  • Is It Time to Scrap the Term ‘Evangelical’?

    Is It Time to Scrap the Term ‘Evangelical’?

    There are many followers of Jesus in America today who do not describe themselves as “Christians.” It is not because they are ashamed of their faith. Instead, it is because the word “Christian” has become so diluted that almost anyone can call themselves a Christian, regardless of how they live or what they believe. To

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