We stand at a pivotal moment in history. There is an unprecedented hunger for truth and the gospel, and a massive harvest of souls is ripe. But a pressing question remains: Are we ready?
When people flood into our churches seeking hope, truth and transformation, will they encounter the love of Christ, or judgment and condemnation? This question isn’t hypothetical—it challenges us to examine our hearts and actions as we prepare for the coming harvest.
Lessons From the Jesus Revolution
The Jesus Revolution of the 1970s offers a powerful example. When hippies, led by Lonnie Frisbee, began attending Pastor Chuck Smith’s church, many religious members resisted. The newcomers didn’t fit the mold—they looked different, spoke differently and broke from traditional church norms. Yet when believers stepped out of their comfort zones and embraced these seekers with Christ’s love, revival broke out. Thousands came to faith, shaping a generation and leaving a legacy of transformed lives.
This story is a reminder: The harvest doesn’t always look like we expect. Are we prepared to welcome those who challenge our preconceived notions? Or will we repeat the mistakes of the past, allowing judgment and fear to hinder the work God wants to do?
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The Danger of Judgment
I remember when Kat Von D accepted Jesus a while back, and instantly some said she was “evil” and “in the Illuminati” and cursed her before she even knew what it truly meant to be a Christian. Is that how we get people saved, set free and delivered? No. I would have run if people treated me that way. And many do!
Even among ourselves, we fall into patterns of criticism and division. Consider the uproar during Donald Trump’s inauguration over whether his hand touched the Bible during the oath. Christians debated and accused him of everything from insincerity to secret affiliations, missing the bigger picture of his consistent support for Christian causes. To outsiders, this behavior screams judgment and undermines the message of grace we are called to share.
Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment
James 2:13 (ESV) reminds us: “For judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.” If we are to reach the lost, we must embody this truth. Most new believers don’t understand Christianese or church culture. They’re learning, growing and figuring out their faith. Instead of demanding perfection, we need to extend grace, walking alongside them as they navigate their spiritual journeys.
Jesus modeled this beautifully. He ate with tax collectors and sinners, extended mercy to the outcasts and showed love to those others deemed unworthy. If He could meet people where they were, shouldn’t we do the same?
A Call to Change
The church must become a haven of mercy, not a courtroom of judgment. When people walk through our doors, they should find love, patience and kindness—a reflection of Christ’s character. This doesn’t mean compromising our beliefs or standards but recognizing that transformation takes time. Many of us were once in their shoes, learning what it means to follow Jesus.
As we prepare for the harvest, it starts with a shift in us. Are we ready to make space for the broken, messy and searching? Are we willing to walk alongside them with grace instead of focusing on their faults? Revival won’t come through judgment but through the kindness and love that lead people to repentance.
The church is at a crossroads. The harvest is ripe, but the workers must be ready. Let mercy triumph over judgment, and let love pave the way for transformation.
This is our moment to rise to the occasion and reflect the heart of Christ to a world desperate for hope. In Jesus’ name, let us seize this opportunity.
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Todd Coconato is an ordained minister and national evangelist. In addition to leading Todd Coconato Ministries, he is the president of the Religious Liberties Coalition, a nonprofit national coalition of pastors and ministry leaders; founder of Remnant News, a Christian News publication; and host of the radio show “The Todd Coconato Show—The Remnant.” Coconato lives in Nashville with his wife and child.