Fri. Oct 4th, 2024

The world has sent a plain and clear message to the church at large today. When I say the world, I mean the systems of the world that belong to the devil. That is spiritual warfare on a different scale. We have left it untouched, and now we have created a monster. That monster is telling the church, “Be silent and step down. Now we have become the woke church.”

This “woke” church has come into agreement with the devil and his demonic systems of the world. Because the world has taken God out of the equation, this is what they do now. When they can’t fix something, they legalize it and make it the norm. But just because something is legal here on the earth doesn’t mean it’s legal in heaven.

We are living in a place where no one is talking about this kind of spiritual warfare. We have no problem talking about demons in the church. We easily talk about Jezebel, marine spirits, python spirits and husband spirits, and we identify with those demons and that platform. But there is one spirit that has the world running toward the edge of the cliff.

I have made the choice to be brave enough and tough enough to run in the opposite direction and expose what needs to be exposed. Call me crazy. Call me mad. I can live with that because I’ve learned in my walk with the Lord that I don’t live based on the opinions of people; I live by the truth of God.

Someone needs to address the elephant in the room. But there are two animals in this room: an elephant and an ostrich. The elephant in the room is the demonic systems of the world. The ostrich in the room is the woke church with its head in the sand, hoping the elephant will leave the room—but no one is pushing him out.

We have allowed these demonic false identities and principalities to run our nation, our country and our world. What blows my mind is how we are so in love with religion. We have allowed the Vatican and the Pope and demonic systems in Catholicism to run the show and open Christianity to demons.

In this day and age when truth is called insanity, who is going to address the elephant in the room? When you address the demonic, it’s called spiritual warfare. Who did it better than Jesus when He addressed the leaders of His day, the demonic of His day, the contradictions of His day and the conflicts of His day? Jesus confronted them head-on with love and with truth.

Think about this powerful quote: “When the whole world is running toward a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.” That would be me, and I’m OK with that because the world is running toward the edge of the cliff, and someone has to save them.

I say this with a heavy heart. I remember 9/11 in New York City. From the rooftop of the building that I lived in I could see the smoke from the burning towers. How many thousands of people ran out of those buildings like they had never run before in their whole lives? I praise God for the many who made it out. But here’s the thing: While many wonderful people were running out of the buildings to save their lives, firefighters were running in, knowing they would lose their lives. I have always been perplexed by that because when danger shows up, our human instinct is to run the other way, not toward the danger.

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I guess that will be my story. I’m going to run in the opposite direction, away from the cliff. I’m going to sound the alarm and sound the trumpets by exposing the demonic systems of the world that have run unchecked for as long as I can remember.

Order your copy of John Ramirez’s new book, “Exposing the Devil’s Playbook,” at

I have been saved for 25 years. When I was in the devil’s kingdom my job, my assignment, my mission was to astral project to curse the regions and reinforce them with demonic witchcraft. So I think I know a little bit about what’s going on.

This Is No Time to Fall Asleep

The church has fallen asleep in the lap of Delilah, the lap of the world. As a result the enemy is running the show, using the news media, Hollywood, government, schools, sports and social media. People are approaching the edge of the cliff and are perishing spiritually. The devil and his demonic kingdom are having their way, and time is running out.

We, the church, are the ostrich with its head in the sand. No one wants to confront spiritual warfare. Ephesians 6:12 (MEV) says, “For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” As believers, we don’t attack people. We love people. They are made in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. We do, however, attack and confront what’s behind the scenes. I call it spiritual warfare of the highest levels for the woke church. I love Jesus Christ too much, as well as the church and the people of the world, to leave things the way they are.

In 1999 I was given the opportunity of a lifetime. Salvation came knocking at my door. I believe everyone in the world, regardless of who they are, what they’ve done, or what they’re going through, deserves the same knock at the door. Revelation 3:20 (NIV) says, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”

It’s time to wake up, get your head out of the sand and be the church of Jesus Christ. People may think you lost your mind, but that’s OK. You can tell them, “I lost my mind, and I’m in good company.” We all want to live in the neighborhood on the street called Politically Correct, but I will be the man running in the opposite direction, away from the cliff, sounding the trumpets and healing and confirming. We can confront the spiritual warfare that has gone on unchecked, unchallenged and unconfronted for a very long time because the church refuses to get its head out of the sand, choosing instead to let the elephant sit in the room. We walk by the elephant. We walk around the elephant. Sometimes we even feed the elephant.

Not here. Not us. Not me. “If it seems we are crazy, it is to bring glory to God. And if we are in our right minds, it is for your benefit” (2 Cor. 5:13, NLT). How do you like them apples?

Martin Luther changed Christianity in his time. He was not afraid to nail the 95 Theses (propositions for debate concerned with the question of indulgences) to the door of the church. He confronted and challenged the evildoers of his day and told them the truth. He was not afraid of engaging in spiritual warfare and bringing the truth right to the devil’s face. In the words of this amazing man of God, “A preacher must be both soldier and shepherd. He must nourish, defend, and teach; he must have teeth in his mouth, and be able to bite and to fight.”

My teeth are ready, devil. My bite is hard through the power of the Holy Spirit.

God Never Called Me to Be an Ostrich

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Today we are facing spiritual warfare at the highest level in the public square of our society. The church would rather be politically correct and act like the ostrich with its head in the sand than to step into the public square and engage in spiritual warfare to set the world free. I will call truth, truth; I will call lies, lies. I will be on the Lord’s side until the day He calls me home.

We would rather face demons at events and conferences than in the public square. We deliverance ministers come to these events and love on our brothers and sisters, and by the power of the Holy Spirit and the gifts that God has given us, He sets captives free—and that’s a good thing. I’m all into that. But there is a dying world out there that has been so infiltrated and incarcerated by the devil and his demonic systems that right is called wrong and wrong is called right. The church has not addressed this elephant that has been stinking up the room called the world.

Today we find ourselves with a society that is about to run off the cliff, and no one is saying anything. No one is sounding the trumpet. How cruel would it be for me to walk through your neighborhood at 3 in the morning, see a building on fire, stay quiet and just keep walking home? Really? Did God save you for that? Did Jesus pay the ultimate price on the cross so you could walk by the burning building without sounding the alarm, knocking on the doors and yelling from the bottom of your heart, “The building is on fire!” to those asleep in their apartments?

Call me mad. All the days of my life I will respect and honor the heroes—the firefighters, the paramedics and others who run into burning buildings to save others, as they did on 9/11. But I’m talking about this from the spiritual side. If you tell someone to turn around, they will probably think you’re insane.

The church has become mainstream, not holy ground. There are few TV shows, the real popular ones, the household names, that invite popular influential preachers to come on their shows. The devil knows who he can pick and put on a show. I think if they put me on one of those shows, they would cut it short and have security escort me out. That’s because I come with the truth, not with my agenda. I come with the arsenals of heaven and the love of Jesus Christ because the people on these shows deserve to hear the knock on the door along with those who are tuning in.

As a believer, you are the church of Jesus Christ when you step out into the public square. Not everyone will go to a church, so we are the only Bible that many people will see. I call this the fifth gospel. As believers we all are the fifth gospel, out in the open in this demonic society. Many of us shine brightly in the church, but once we get out in the world we walk in doom and gloom.

The devil’s weapons aim to legalize, change truth for lies and promote false realities. If we hear something repeated enough times on the news and in social media, it sounds like the truth. But they are lies, false realities that keep people running toward the cliff. Let’s confront the spiritual warfare elephant in the room.

The devil has his hand wrapped around the world. Someone needs to pry his fingers off once and for all. But the woke church doesn’t want to step onto the battlefield. They would rather live on the Love Boat so as not to offend the devil and his demonic systems—but it’s OK to offend Jesus at any given time. It’s OK to let the enemy destroy our families, our children, our communities and our human values that God created for us from the beginning of time. The church doesn’t want to address present demonic issues. We just want nice talk.

Where is your courage? Where is your fight?

It’s time to kick the elephant out of the room. Where is your heart? Prayer wins. It’s time for us to pray corporately, internationally, here and around the world. Raise up your voice, and together we will shake and rattle the devil’s cage—the world. We’ve got this.   

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John Ramirez is an internationally known evangelist, author and highly sought‐after speaker who teaches believers around the globe how to defeat the enemy. A former high‐ranking satanic priest, he has shared his powerful testimony of being miraculously saved on “It’s Supernatural,” “The 700 Club,” TBN, Daystar and others. Learn more at His newest book, “Exposing the Devil’s Playbook,” released this month and is available now at

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