
  • Street Preacher Claims Subway Employee Refused to Serve Him

    Street Preacher Claims Subway Employee Refused to Serve Him

    A street preacher in Waunakee, Wisconsin, is claiming a Subway employee refused to serve him this week after he walked into the sandwich shop wearing a T-shirt with brightly colored text describing homosexuality as “sin.” Rich Penkoski, the leader of an online organization called Warriors for Christ, explained to The Christian Post he is considering a lawsuit

  • Morning Rundown: Kirk Cameron ‘Didn’t Feel Safe’ in California, Moved Family to God-Fearing State of Tennessee

    Morning Rundown: Kirk Cameron ‘Didn’t Feel Safe’ in California, Moved Family to God-Fearing State of Tennessee

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on mycharisma.com: Kirk Cameron ‘Didn’t Feel Safe’ in California, Moved Family to God-Fearing State of Tennessee On the eve of America’s birthday, actor Kirk Cameron announced he has fled California for Tennessee. The “Growing Pains” star said his decision to abandon the West Coast was sparked by

  • John Deere Under Fire for Exposed Anti-Christian Practices

    John Deere Under Fire for Exposed Anti-Christian Practices

    With the decline of mainstream media, independent journalists have picked up the mantle as disseminators of truth and exposers of hidden agendas. None have done as much work recently revealing the true nature of what were once “Made in America” companies as former producer-turned-conservative powerhouse Robby Starbuck and his team. Their exposĂ© on Tractor Supply

  • 10 Ways Woke Culture Is Reframing Civilization

    10 Ways Woke Culture Is Reframing Civilization

    The book of Genesis recounts how Adam named and categorized the animals, highlighting the profound significance of defining and classifying God’s creation (Gen. 2:19-20). As God’s vice regent, Adam used his act of naming as a powerful assertion of authority, underscoring that the one who defines a thing holds power over it. Throughout history, the

  • Pride Month Alert: Beelzebub Blew Up Boy Scouts

    Pride Month Alert: Beelzebub Blew Up Boy Scouts

    Bible-believing Christians understand the evil spiritual forces behind the collapse of the 114-year-old Boy Scouts of America. Beelzebub (“ruler of the demons” (Matt. 12:24) orchestrated his “woke” strategy, and the organization now hangs by a thread, rebranding itself as “Scouting America.” In 1972 when the U.S. population was about 200 million, there were 5 million

  • Larry Tomczak’s Week in Review: These 2 Institutions Are in Terrible Trouble

    Larry Tomczak’s Week in Review: These 2 Institutions Are in Terrible Trouble

    God gave us holy insights to understand prophetically what’s happening in our generation. He has promised to shake everything that can be shaken (see Heb. 12:26) “in order that the things that cannot be shaken may remain” (Heb.12:27b). Breaking news, Spirit-filled stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now!  On our watch, as Elvis Presley song

  • Critics Condemn BSA for Eliminating ‘Boy’ from Boy Scouts

    Critics Condemn BSA for Eliminating ‘Boy’ from Boy Scouts

    After more than a century, the Boy Scouts of America is changing its name to become a more “inclusive” organization several years after welcoming girls and gay boys into its scouting program. The Texas-based organization is dropping “Boys” from its title to become Scouting America – after holding its namesake for the last 114 years

  • Planet Fitness: Catastrophe Grows with New Locker Room Arrest

    Planet Fitness: Catastrophe Grows with New Locker Room Arrest

    Planet Fitness is in turmoil again after a man was arrested for being completely nude in the ladies’ locker room. As the New York Post reported, 38-year-old Christopher Miller was arrested after entering and removing all of his clothing in the women’s locker room. He claimed to identify as a woman. Get your FREE CHARISMA

  • Why Are (Young) Women So Woke?

    Why Are (Young) Women So Woke?

    Commenting on a Finland-based study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, Oskari Lahtinen, the author of the study, said, “The gender divide was probably most surprising to me. Three out of five women view ‘woke’ ideas positively, but only one out of seven men.” This reflects a similar phenomenon observed in other countries, and,

  • Larry Tomczak: 10-Point Plan to Turn America Around

    Larry Tomczak: 10-Point Plan to Turn America Around

    I’m a bit of a dreamer, and I invite you to dream along with me for a better America. This is not a pipe dream (the term originated from opium smokers in China escaping reality in swirling smoke) but rather a striving for the ideal while suffering with the real. For cynics dismissing these initiatives

  • ‘Harvard of Christian Schools’ Fires Back After Fox News Column Claims It Has Become ‘Woke’

    ‘Harvard of Christian Schools’ Fires Back After Fox News Column Claims It Has Become ‘Woke’

    Wheaton College—a private Christian school outside Chicago—is criticizing Fox News for running a column accusing the institution of abandoning its Christian bonafides in favor of becoming “woke.” The claims in the column are “incendiary,” Wheaton College President Philip Ryken said in a statement released Wednesday. Columnist Tim Scheiderer wrote in his article Wheaton has started

  • Morning Rundown: Jenny Weaver Warns of the Two Priesthoods Rising in 2024

    Morning Rundown: Jenny Weaver Warns of the Two Priesthoods Rising in 2024

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on mycharisma.com: Jenny Weaver Warns of the Two Priesthoods Rising in 2024 The new year of 2024 has been prophesied over by lots of different voices and ministry leaders, many of which who have warned about a need to cling to Jesus to avoid coming darkness and

  • Michael Brown: Woke Won’t Work

    Michael Brown: Woke Won’t Work

    For many years, I have been predicting a cultural pushback against the radical left, knowing that, at a certain point, people would say, “Enough is enough.” I have documented this in particular when it comes to transgender activism, with people as diverse as Joe Rogan, Bill Maher, Richard Dawkins, J. K. Rowling and Martina Navratilova

  • 2023: The Year Corporate Wokeness Crashed

    2023: The Year Corporate Wokeness Crashed

    In 2023, the business world witnessed a stark contrast between companies that embraced leftist ideologies and those that pushed back with traditional values. While corporate giants like Disney and Target suffered major financial losses due to their controversial marketing strategies, a counter-movement of Christian entrepreneurs emerged, determined to bring light to the darkness that has

  • Morning Rundown: Will Disney’s Film Flops Finally Wake Up This ‘Woke’ Corporation?

    Morning Rundown: Will Disney’s Film Flops Finally Wake Up This ‘Woke’ Corporation?

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on mycharisma.com: Will Disney’s Film Flops Finally Wake Up This ‘Woke’ Corporation? There comes a time when we must stand for righteousness. Disney threatened Elon Musk with pulling X (formerly Twitter) advertising, and he didn’t cave. Musk bought X for $44 billion to counter intimidation and preserve

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