Sun. Mar 23rd, 2025

God’s Future Prevails, Despite Opposition and Resistance

Are you ready for God’s future?—such a profound but uncommon question. Most believers have never considered the thought of God having a next or succeeding goal that pertains to and fulfills the purposes and intents of His will in the earth. In most instances, when referring to the future, it’s usually about us as individuals, our family, financial status or anything that directly pertains to our world. Modern-day Christianity has deceived many into believing that God’s world revolves around them and that He exists to make all their dreams come true.

Though this train of thought may provide the hearer with a warm, fuzzy feeling, it couldn’t be further from the truth. The reality is that God’s world revolves around God. In other words, He deems His plans, purposes and intents to be priority. Therefore, the subsequent, or future, Sovereign has been preparing, strategizing and recruiting for isn’t ours but His (see Matt. 6:10). I know, for some, this is a difficult pill to swallow. Because once again, modern-day Christianity has taught that the Sovereign’s most ultimate concern is that the Christians’ wants, desires and ambitions are met rather than His monarchal will fulfilled in the earth.

Proverbs 19:21 says many devices, or plans, are in a person’s heart, but it’s the Lord’s purpose that prevails. This therefore indicates God does what He wants, how He wants, to produce what He purposed. Psalms 33:11 solidifies the Proverbs writer regarding God’s plans coming to pass despite resistance from His creation. It’s evident from the passages referenced in Psalms and Proverbs that our God is a deviser. However, the question that arises is this: What’s His intent behind the planning? Preparation and provision are necessary for the futurity of that which is to come, this being God’s motive.

Since before creation began, the Creator’s been setting the stage for revealing heaven’s prophetic future in the earth. Isaiah 46:10 speaks of God “declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My good pleasure.'” Beloved, nation of Jesus Christ, the time has come for the unveiling of God’s future. The operative word there is “God’s”. It’s the futurity of the Sovereign that’s the priority. This is why, throughout the body of Christ, there’s the galvanizing of God’s apostles and prophets to execute the intents of His will. The dispensation God’s establishing is to switch out the old guards and install the new ones.

The new guards will align with the Sovereign’s future, ensuring its success, establishment and fulfillment in the earth. So, I reiterate the question: Are you ready for God’s future? Ready or not, here it comes, says the Lord! Despite the opposition, resistance and confrontation that God’s future will face, know with surety that there’s no stopping it. Acts 5:38b-39 (CEV) puts it this way: “If what they are planning is something of their own doing, it will fail. But if God is behind it, you cannot stop it anyway, unless you want to fight against God.” Fighting with God trumps fighting against Him any day!

Listen to A Biblical Perspective with Prophet C. T. Johnson on the Charisma Podcast Network as he boldly and unapologetically addresses what should be the church’s stance on an array of subjects and topics, using the Word of God as frame of reference.{eoa}

As a prophetic educator/trainer, author, and radio/television and podcast host, Prophet C. T. Johnson sits as president and CEO of C. T. Johnson Ministries Int’l., a partnership-based outreach ministry headquartered in Commerce City, Colorado. He is a member of New Era Apostleship Restitution (N.E.A.R), a kingdom-driven collaborative led by its founder and chief apostle, Dr. Paula A. Price, Ph.D. (bestselling author of the Prophet’s Dictionary).

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