C.T. Johnson

  • How Is the Church Combating Domestic Violence Among Its Ranks?

    How Is the Church Combating Domestic Violence Among Its Ranks?

    Domestic violence is one of the leading forms of injustice across the world and in the Christian church. One in three women are affected by domestic violence in their lifetime. Domestic violence is a deeply rooted, regularly hidden and alarming communal reality. Churches can be a haven for people escaping domestic violence. But every so

  • How Renewing Your Mind Can Make Your Dreams a Reality

    How Renewing Your Mind Can Make Your Dreams a Reality

    In this new year of 2022, I admonish you to think differently. People desire outcomes and results opposite of their experiences but aren’t willing to sacrifice the comfortability of the normal. Different effects warrant other applications. Continuing to do what you’ve always done will never lend to new results. We all dream and envision ourselves

  • Overcoming Obstacles

    Overcoming Obstacles

    An obstacle is something that impedes progress or achievement. Such impediments in various forms target every aspect of life, which can’t be avoided or exempt. However, you can overcome them. Some time ago, while in prayer, God revealed seven major obstacles every Elect of God will encounter. The Almighty utilizes these obstructions as vetting tools

  • Comfort is the Cost of Covenant

    Comfort is the Cost of Covenant

    While sitting at my desk, gathering my thoughts in preparation to write this month’s Empowering Thought e-letter to all my ministry partners, the spirit of God spoke these words, “Comfort is the cost of covenant.” When He said it, I stopped what I was doing and, for a few moments, just sat there and meditated

  • God’s Issue With Halloween: Part 1 and 2

    God’s Issue With Halloween: Part 1 and 2

    It’s unfortunate and downright deplorable how so-called “Christians” willfully participate in the celebration of Halloween. This year (2021), Halloween falls on a Sunday, which will increase congregational support of this demonic holiday. I’m sure there’ll be pastors and church leaders who disagree with me concerning this article and will boldly rebut involvement in this pagan

  • Your Peace is Your Responsibility

    Your Peace is Your Responsibility

    The day and time in which we live are unprecedented ones. I often say that “Change is inevitable.” Regardless of how a person may oppose, argue or combat change, it’s still going to happen. Despite how uncomfortable, painful or grievous, change is an aspect of life that we all must face and experience. Change is

  • Operation Sovereign Takeback

    Operation Sovereign Takeback

    Failing God and abandoning Jesus Christ has become a 21st century trend within the “Christian” church. While most church leaders focus on futile matters, God’s kingdom is under siege. Hence the transition of eras. God is militarizing His body for “Operation Sovereign Takeback.” The playground has become the battlefield! While our president withdrew US troops

  • Keep Going

    Keep Going

    I want this statement embedded and imprinted on the canvas of your mind. “Failure isn’t in stopping; it’s in quitting.” Now, say it aloud five times. Next, process the words just spoken. Let’s examine the difference in meaning between the words stop and quit. A stop is a brief stay in the course of a

  • Do Your Actions Demonstrate the Honor Principle?

    Do Your Actions Demonstrate the Honor Principle?

    When we think of honor, it’s generally in the context of respect, esteem and reference. Though honor does entail those as mentioned, it encompasses so much more. Honor is a spiritual law and principle. This concept of honor is seldom understood or practiced. A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of interviewing minister Jamelle

  • God’s Future Prevails, Despite Opposition and Resistance

    God’s Future Prevails, Despite Opposition and Resistance

    Are you ready for God’s future?—such a profound but uncommon question. Most believers have never considered the thought of God having a next or succeeding goal that pertains to and fulfills the purposes and intents of His will in the earth. In most instances, when referring to the future, it’s usually about us as individuals,

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Unsheathing My Sword’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Unsheathing My Sword’

    Matthew 10:34-39 records the words of Jesus: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; a man’s foes will

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