Thu. Mar 20th, 2025

Here’s a quick summary of the top stories on

The Christian Life Summarized in 3 Words

Psalm 1:1 warns us to not walk, stand and sit.  However, these are all inevitable for us as humans since we can’t fly.

What exactly is the Bible trying to teach us?

After studying, I realized Ephesians sets forth what the Christian life looks like using the same three words.

Dr. Michael Brown: Can Christians Lose Their Salvation?

In recent years prominent leaders in the faith from worshipers, to seminary professors and even pastors have fallen away from their faith in God and renounced Jesus entirely. That begs the questions—is the once saved always saved doctrine biblical?

Why So Many Christians Have Left the Faith: Responding to the Deconstructionist Movement With Unshakable, Timeless Truth
Apologist and author Dr. Michael Brown wrote a book “Why So Many Christians Have Left the Faith” to shed light on the highly controversial topic.

The verse many use to debate either side of the argument is 1 John 2:19 which says, “They went out from us, but they were not of us, for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have remained with us. But they went out, revealing that none of them were of us.”


The Healing Power of Grief

Beni, my wife of 49 years, died on July 13 of last year. She was the love of my life. We started dating when she was 16 and I was 19. We married two years later. I am a better person in every way because she was in my life. Together we have three children with three amazing spouses, and 11 grandchildren. Philippians 4:8 says to think on things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report and praiseworthy. For years I’ve told people that if I had a challenge in my thought life, all I had to do was think about my wife—because she was all of those things. It’s true. In this season, God is teaching me much about how He uses grief to heal and comfort us as He draws us closer to Himself.

Beni died after a long battle with cancer. For the last 15 months or so, I was by her side day after day. Cancer is a disease that we see healed regularly. And while she is now forever with Jesus, perfectly well, never to die again, those of us who remain are still facing pain, confusion and tremendous loss.


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