Fri. Oct 25th, 2024

Breathe deeply. Do it again, please. Now, touch the most solid object near you and answer this question: Which of these two is most important in sustaining your life—breath or material things?

Simple to answer, isn’t it? Breath, of course. Without breathing we cannot live. Our bodies need a constant supply of oxygen, and it’s important for our lungs and respiratory system to work efficiently.

It’s the same with God’s Spirit, infused with His Word, which together are the source and sustaining power of our spiritual lives.

The one thing in this world that you and I can touch with our fingers that has “eternity” written into its fabric is the Word of God. Every time I take a Bible in hand, I hold eternity, because the life force inherent in the Word exceeds all time and space. Jesus said, “‘Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away'” (Mark 13:31, NKJV).

Those words hold the seeds of life. Your life becomes durable, fulfilling and successful in direct proportion to the degree that the Word of God becomes as vital to you.

The Gospel of John says of Jesus that “the Word became flesh” (John 1:14). The Word of God is the source of all substance and life. “In the beginning God created … ” (Gen. 1:1). He did that with His Word. Christ was there at Creation: “In the beginning was the Word” (John 1:1).

All that is, as well as all that ever shall be, flows to man by Jesus Christ through the Word of God!

I want to do my utmost to ensure you that you know how to keep on receiving the Word of God. I don’t mean how to read it, how to memorize it, or how to study it, though all those practices are very important. My primary concern is that your input and application of the Word—as the life-giving breath of God, the very Spirit of the Word—will fill and fulfill your soul continually. It’s the only way to keep the “rebuilt you” built up and expanding.

The Word of God is not simply information or facts. It is a living Word, and it is life giving, healing, protecting and invincible. You need to know how to let it work in you. If the Word’s reality is at work in you, there is no way you will ever be less than filled with abundant life and fruitful living (see 2 Pet. 1:4,8).

“No word from God shall be without power”(Luke 1:37, The Amplified Bible). This verse, translated elsewhere, “For with God nothing shall be impossible,” is a mighty statement. It tells us that every word God speaks contains the power needed to actuate it. Every word of His that directs our behavior also makes the new behavior possible.

This is why Paul assures the Philippians, “It is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure” (Phil. 2:13, NKJV) And again, “He who calls you is faithful, who will also do it” (1 Thess. 5:24)—a promise that when God gives an assignment to us, His words include enablement.

This is truly a reason for joy. It builds our repentance upon the foundation of deep, trusting faith rather than upon guilt and emotionalism.

A few years ago in my pastorate at The Church On The Way, a new understanding began to dawn on my soul. I was seeking the Lord for guidance concerning my own teaching ministry and inquiring of Him specifically concerning the mood and manner of our congregation’s worship services.

The result of my quest was a slow but definite transformation in my approach to leading our services. The continued call throughout the psalms is to praise and rejoice before the Lord: “In Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore” (Ps. 16:11). In the same spirit, Paul insists of the Philippians, “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice” (Phil. 4:4, KJV).

The Word that created all the worlds is the Word that is completing you. Rest in that assurance, and rejoice in His Word as He “rebuilds the real you,” the “you” He intended when He created you. Rebirth, redemption, restoration and recovery are only a part of His mission. He wants to bring you to the full realization of God’s purposes, patterns and promises for your life. You can face tomorrow with joy.

Book Cover

Adapted from Rebuilding the Real You by Jack Hayford, copyright 2009, published by Charisma House. This book is a handbook on personal growth and restoration; it unfolds a clear picture of how the Holy Spirit works to help build you up and make you all God intended you to be. To order a copy click on this link:

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