Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Have you ever felt that everyone other than you was doing something significant? That feeling can come even after reading something meant to be uplifting—such as an article in SpiritLed Woman! But who sets the standard for what is significant?

Often we assess significance using the world’s standards—public visibility, wealth, power, influence. However, in God’s kingdom values are reversed. Outward manifestations of importance are not the true measure of success. What is eternal—what we don’t see—matters most.

God has an awesome plan for women today. This plan includes us all, not just those in public ministry. God is building an army, and He looks past natural attributes such as gender or circumstances to fill up the ranks.

Remember, an army has many regiments. Some are more visible than others, but numerous hidden assignments must be carried out to ensure victory.

I saw this contrast when visiting Israel. Soldiers were stationed on street corners to give a sense of security in the midst of political volatility. Tourists and citizens alike could easily see them.

Yet Israel also has highly trained secret forces used only in very strategic situations. These forces were enlisted in June 1976 when an airliner was hijacked and taken to Entebbe, Uganda. One hundred and five Jewish passengers were held hostage.

On July 4 the Israeli secret forces flew to Uganda, rescued the hostages and left the country before the Ugandan government knew they had come.

Before beginning their mission, the soldiers had received detailed orders and rehearsed their parts repeatedly. Once at the site, they had fulfilled each order precisely with no allowance for personal interpretation.

Interestingly, the military report of this mission shows that one-third of the rescue team had at one time been considered defense force rejects! With perseverance they had overcome their past failures to become elite warriors chosen for the most strategic assignments.

Many of us are like these soldiers—ineligible according to the world’s standards. But being rejected by others doesn’t limit our future in God. What matters is whether we are willing to press through the obstacles, listen to His voice and follow His orders precisely. The more strategic the assignment, the greater the obedience required and the higher the price to carry it out.

Your role may not be public, but it is significant. Imparting destiny to your children or mentoring other women can affect the world for years to come. Your prayers can change not only people and situations but also entire nations. In hidden tasks as well as in public ministry, God is calling you to change the world.

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