Fri. Oct 25th, 2024
Spiritual warfare

The days in which we are living are some of the most turbulent in history, and they are not without peril. The kingdom of God suffers violence (see Matt. 11:12), yet these are still times of hope and peace for those who know who they are in Christ. In order to survive the onslaught of the enemy against us, we had better learn to become women who are mighty in spirit. During the course of my life, I’ve found six practices to be very effective in overcoming the power of the enemy and walking in victory.

1. Be confident in your calling
When you are confident in your calling, you don’t have to seek anyone’s permission or approval. You know you are called because of the witness of the Holy Spirit inside you, but Satan will try to make you doubt that your calling is real.

God never told us that we were going to float along on this journey to become all that He destined for us and never have another problem. But He did promise us this: “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you” (Is. 43:2, NKJV). You must decide now that you’re going all the way.

2. Have strength in adversity
When I left home to pursue God’s call on my life, I knew it was not going to be easy. On the day I was preparing to leave I suddenly thought, Maybe I should go to church, one more time. At the close of the Wednesday night service, my pastor called me onto the stage and said to me, “God says to tell you, ‘You are not your own; you have been bought with a price. I have chosen you and appointed you to go to the nations of the earth, so you can’t do what you want to do.”

Without anyone touching me, I was slain in the spirit. Hours later, when I got up, I had a new confidence, a greater boldness and a determination to go on that hell could not touch.

Jesus said: “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you” (John 15:16).

You too are not your own. Be strong and don’t abandon your calling.

3. Develop godly character
You must be painstakingly conscientious about everything-attitude, lifestyle, personal worship and gifts. The enemy of your destiny has already been defeated; so don’t allow yourself to be sidetracked by his devices.

4. Practice violent faith
I believe that sometimes we come up against things in our lives when simply believing won’t be enough. Violent faith combines determination with spiritual aggressiveness and raw, if you will, guts. As you practice it, your prayer life and hunger for God will increase, and there will be a determination forged in you that nothing can shake.

5. Be persistent in prayer
Taking back what is yours from the forces of darkness takes courage and is not for those who are passive or faint of heart. It is for the person who would say: “This is it. I am drawing the bloodline today. I will never be the same again.” You can choose to say, “I know what the outcome of this thing is going to be, so I am going to lift my head up and rejoice, because right now the Father God is working it all out.”

6. Praise God
One thing I have learned and am still learning is that you don’t praise God when the answer comes; you praise God until the answer comes. Something happens when you lift your hands and your voice to praise God in the midst of all hell surrounding you.

Begin to rejoice in God. See yourself mighty in spirit and walking in victory. What you can see with spirit eyes in the supernatural, you can believe to come forth in the natural.

I see the devil fleeing in terror because you and I are rising up now, and we know that “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down [Satan’s] strongholds” (2 Cor. 10:4). We are women, mighty in spirit, who are strong in the strength of our Lord. And in His power we are victorious!

Judy Jacobs is an anointed minister, recording artist, speaker and author of Take It by Force! (Charisma House), from which portion of this article were adpated. To order a copy click here.

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