Thu. Mar 20th, 2025

Something massive is on the horizon. Will you be prepared for what’s coming?

In a powerful and sobering discussion, prophetic voices Katie Souza and Tomi Arayomi are sounding the alarm for believers worldwide, declaring that we are in a critical seven-year window of plenty, reminiscent of Joseph’s era in Egypt. Despite the coming economic upheaval, they insist that God is breathing on His people with supernatural provision and prosperity—but only for a limited time. With five and a half years remaining before 2030, the believe that the church must prepare for a world-altering shift that will drastically widen the divide between the rich and poor.

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“A seismic paradigm shift needs to happen on behalf of the church,” Arayomi says.

Speaking of Arayomi’s vision from 2021, when the Lord told him that there was only nine years before major catastrophic changes took place, the two warn that only a remnant of the church will be prepared for the changes ahead.

“Most of the church is consumer minded,” Arayomi says. “The expectation of money has been seeded very much by us who have constantly provided…”

Like the masses who relied on miraculous manna in the wilderness, most believers will remain spiritually dependent rather than practically prepared. The remnant will be those who embrace wisdom, stewardship and sustainable principles.

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So, what should we do to prepare for these global shifts?

Christians are to prepare a “Goshen,” resources and opportunities that can continue to provide food, income and support for those in need. Ultimately, this is a it is a prophetic call for the church to become a beacon of hope and provision for the nations.

The coming years will demand more than just faith; they will require wisdom, resourcefulness and action. The remnant who embrace this call to build, prepare and serve will be the ones who rise above the coming storm, equipped to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor, and provide for the nations in their time of need.

As believers, the question is not whether we will face hardship, but whether we will be prepared to face it with God’s wisdom and provision.

The time to shift from a consumer mindset to a builder’s mindset is now. Will you heed the call to prepare for what lies ahead?

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.

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