
  • Are You About to Marry The Wrong Person?

    Are You About to Marry The Wrong Person?

    One the biggest fears many people experience is the fear of marrying the wrong person. In a recent message, Alexander Pagani discussed the frustration that many people experience when they feel as though they’ve married the wrong person, and the discernment needed before entering into a marriage with someone. To pre-order your copy of Alexander

  • Prophetic Wisdom: Accessing the Treasures of the 4th-Dimension Vault

    Prophetic Wisdom: Accessing the Treasures of the 4th-Dimension Vault

    Editor’s Note: This is part three of a three-part article. Find part one at this link and part two at this link. Learn From King David About Embracing Your Identity When David went on his first assignment to kill Goliath, his identity was not as the king of Israel even though he was anointed as

  • This is How to Break the Curse of ‘I Don’t Know’

    This is How to Break the Curse of ‘I Don’t Know’

    Every single one of us understands what it’s like to not know something. However, the phrase “I don’t know” has been used time and time again as an actual excuse to ignore and run away from making wise decisions. In his wisdom sermon series, Apostle Alexander Pagani confronted the issues that arise when people refuse

  • The Freedom of Self-Control

    The Freedom of Self-Control

    We all have hopes and dreams for our lives—whether it’s to buy a house, get in shape physically, have success at our job, grow spiritually or any number of other things. However, if we want to make progress in life, it’s going to require self-control. This may not be a very popular topic, but self-control

  • Government Emergency Warning Sparks Supermarket Panic Buying Fears

    Government Emergency Warning Sparks Supermarket Panic Buying Fears

    For those who remember the rush to stores during the height 2020’s pandemic-driven lockdowns and the empty shelves that came with the early months of the year, some supermarkets are fearing they may soon see another rush. This is largely due to the British government’s recent launch of a website that tells its citizens they

  • Wise Preacher Reflects on Aging Well

    Wise Preacher Reflects on Aging Well

    This is part two of a two-part article. Find part one at this link. 1.  Injustice’s mystery and judgment’s certainty. “I saw under the sun the place of judgment, that wickedness was there, and the place of righteousness, that iniquity was there” (Eccl. 8:10)  Here, the Preacher notes the perplexing presence of injustice in expected places of

  • Wise Preacher Offers Insights on Life’s Meaning

    Wise Preacher Offers Insights on Life’s Meaning

    This is part two of a two-part article. Find part one at this link. The book of Ecclesiastes is a profound piece of wisdom literature in the Old Testament, attributed to Solomon (referred to as “the Preacher” or “the Teacher”). It delves into the meaning of life and the vanity (meaninglessness) of worldly pursuits without

  • The Mystery of the Inverted Angel Unlocked

    The Mystery of the Inverted Angel Unlocked

    Our understanding of good and evil is different than God’s. But can the angelic hosts themselves be deceived away from good and prompted toward evil? In a sermon, Jonathan Cahn uncovered the mystery surrounding the inverted angel and how this entity connects to the struggle between good and evil. Get your FREE CHARISMA NEWSLETTERS today!

  • Dear Daughters: A Spirit-Filled Minister’s Mother’s Day Letter

    Dear Daughters: A Spirit-Filled Minister’s Mother’s Day Letter

    My dear daughters, here are a few tips I found to strengthen and promote me in life. I pray they help you to think differently and live powerfully. Develop your lifelong womanhood self. Every little girl has a vision of herself as a woman. She designs her womanhood with her playthings. She becomes mommy, sister, aunt

  • Creation as Worship: Mirroring God’s Tabernacle

    Creation as Worship: Mirroring God’s Tabernacle

    This is part one of a two-part article. Find part two at this link. The word “liturgy” originates from the Greek term leitourgia, which means “public service” or “work of the people.” While it is most commonly associated with religious worship, particularly the structured form of public worship in Christian contexts, the concept can be

  • Mom’s Recipe for Financial Freedom

    Mom’s Recipe for Financial Freedom

    This Sunday, we celebrate our mothers and all the wisdom they tried to impart to us. Breaking news, Spirit-filled stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now! Now that we’re grown up, perhaps we can use some of that wisdom in our fight for financial freedom. Some things to remember: Get your FREE CHARISMA NEWSLETTERS today!

  • Prophecy: ‘The Spirit of Jezebel Has Been Unleashed’

    Prophecy: ‘The Spirit of Jezebel Has Been Unleashed’

    There’s no hiding from the spirit of Jezebel. In a word for the month of May, prophetic voice Tomi Arayomi gave a warning for this month that we need to be on the lookout for the spirit of Jezebel. Further, he says this is the moment to keep our eyes on Christ. “If you’re looking

  • The Fatal Toll of Lesbianism and Feminism

    The Fatal Toll of Lesbianism and Feminism

    According to a study by the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute, “bisexual women die, on average, nearly 40% younger than heterosexual women, while homosexual women die 20% sooner.” These tragic numbers should concern all of us, regardless of our attitudes toward lesbianism and bisexuality. If you care about people, you hate to hear this. As

  • Embracing a Holy, Healthy Fear of the Lord

    Embracing a Holy, Healthy Fear of the Lord

    “Now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways and love Him, and to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul” (Deut. 10:12, NASB 1995). Beloved, we should fear the Lord. The fear

  • 4 Biblical Roles of Dreams

    4 Biblical Roles of Dreams

    Do dreams serve a divine purpose? In a recent video, Vlad and Lana Savchuk gave key hallmarks of what dreams mean from a biblical standpoint. Here are the four biblical roles of dreams. Not all dreams speak the truth about God. Some of the dreams we encounter do not lead us to godliness. Instead, they

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