
  • Leonard Ravenhill: What Are the Signs of a True Prophet?

    Leonard Ravenhill: What Are the Signs of a True Prophet?

    Confusion and deception run rampant in the world today, and people are seeking ways to differentiate truth from falsehood. As many search for these answers, there are those who would manipulate and take advantage of the lost seeking their shepherd. In times of great turmoil, God has sent prophets to declare to nations that they

  • How Can I ‘Hear’ the Holy Spirit?

    How Can I ‘Hear’ the Holy Spirit?

    Believers often grapple with the challenge of distinguishing their own thoughts from the voice of the Holy Spirit. David Diga Hernandez, in an exclusive Charisma News interview, emphasizes the importance of recognizing that hearing the Holy Spirit is not a skill to be acquired but a sense to be sharpened. Hernandez notes, “It’s not a

  • What Does God’s Voice Sound Like?

    What Does God’s Voice Sound Like?

    Have you ever wondered what God sounds like? Would His voice be a gentle whisper in the breeze, or would it be a booming voice, one with impact and a tremendous roar behind it? In his exclusive Beyond The Article interview, beloved pastor and theologian R.T. Kendall explains what you can expect the voice of

  • Joyce Meyer: 8 Ways to Avoid Wasting Your Time

    Joyce Meyer: 8 Ways to Avoid Wasting Your Time

    Imagine we’re at a graveyard. You look at a tombstone and see the person’s name, the date they were born and when they died. In between the dates, there is a dash. I think it’s interesting that a person’s whole life—from the time they are born until they die—is represented by that dash. The question

  • How You Can Avoid the Top 5 Regrets of an 80-Year-Old Minister

    How You Can Avoid the Top 5 Regrets of an 80-Year-Old Minister

    After many decades of serving in ecclesiastical circles, I have often been around many older ministers. I have noticed that only very few seem satisfied with the way they prioritize their time in regard to their lives and ministries. I have made the following observations for myself, looking ahead so that I will not live

  • John Ramirez: ‘Are You Going to Live, Stay or Die?’

    John Ramirez: ‘Are You Going to Live, Stay or Die?’

    When it comes to the things of the spirit, one thing is true: we have the option to either stay as we are or to grow more Christlike. Regardless of where you are now on your faith journey, one thing remains clear: God has a plan and a purpose for each of us in 2024

  • 4 Ways to Hear God’s Voice

    4 Ways to Hear God’s Voice

    Understanding the various degrees of hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit is crucial for believers seeking guidance in their everyday lives. In this article, we explore the four distinct channels of communication: Word, Wisdom, Whisper and Wonders. Each plays a unique role in our spiritual journey, providing insights into God’s will and transforming our

  • Jonathan Cahn Exposes Satan’s Deceptive Tactics

    Jonathan Cahn Exposes Satan’s Deceptive Tactics

    Are we living in an age of deception? Perhaps there is something more sinister at play in our world than we’d like to admit. In a world where evil constantly tries to disguise itself as something good, we have to understand that things are not always as they appear on the outside. Instead, more often

  • Equipping Wisdom and Obedience in Your Spiritual Warfare Arsenal

    Equipping Wisdom and Obedience in Your Spiritual Warfare Arsenal

    Spiritual warfare is a deeply personal and spiritually charged experience for Christians. At its core, it is the ongoing struggle between the forces of God and Satan in the spiritual realm, where Christians find themselves embroiled in an ancient battle. This battle manifests in various forms, including temptation, doubt and spiritual attacks, all aimed at

  • Understanding Generational Curses, Part 2: Debunking Common Myths

    Understanding Generational Curses, Part 2: Debunking Common Myths

    To read part one of this article, click here! Embracing the Dualism of Scripture: A Lesson in Generational Blessings For those deeply rooted in the Christian faith, the notion of generational blessings has likely crossed their path, often accompanied by the statement, “We believe in generational blessings but not generational curses.” To fully grasp the

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