Sat. Feb 8th, 2025
Vlad and Lana Savchuk (Vlad Savchuk Facebook)

Do dreams serve a divine purpose?

In a recent video, Vlad and Lana Savchuk gave key hallmarks of what dreams mean from a biblical standpoint. Here are the four biblical roles of dreams.

Not all dreams speak the truth about God.

Some of the dreams we encounter do not lead us to godliness. Instead, they can bring about attacks and even lead us away from God.

“Jude 8 actually talks about false prophets who are deceiving people through their dreams and God was clearly warning people concerning dreamers who had these dreams,” Vlad Savchuk says.

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Just because some of these dreams came true did not mean they were godly. Instead, some dreams have been used to draw people away from Christ.

“False prophets can deceive through dreams,” Vlad says. “We have to be very careful that we believe every single dream that people give especially negative dreams that come true because that could be operating from the spirit of divination.”

God uses dreams to bring down our barriers.

All of us put up barriers and blockades in some shape or form. Through our dreams, God can break down these barriers.

Savchuk says this is God’s way of warning and providing us with instruction. God will even send warnings to those who are not believers.

“[God says] ‘I want to pretty much deposit some kind of a direction or some kind of a thing that you need to do, and I want to protect you from pride,'” Savchuk says.

“If we look at the Bible, we see that Pharaoh had dreams. We see Nebuchadnezzar had dreams, and they were sent from God…yet none of those dreams were indicating that these men were from God.”

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God provides us with deliverance through our dreams.

God is our redeemer and healer. There is absolutely nothing too difficult for Him. One of the things He can do is provide deliverance through our dreams. Lana Savchuk says this is something the Lord did for her after having an intense dream about manifestation.

“I believe that the Lord was beginning that process of deliverance,” Savchuk says. “I know that a lot of people actually have these kinds of experiences, and they are not just dreams. They’re actually deliverance that is taking place in those people’s lives.”

God provides us with guidance through our dreams.

Lana shared her own experience of how God showed her in a dream what He had planned for her life. Dreaming she was on a stage praying for people to receive deliverance, Lana knew God was asking her to go into ministry.

“We see that the Lord also revealed the calling to Joseph in his dream,” Vlad Savchuk says. “So, we see that the Bible reveals to us that you can experience your calling being revealed to you in your dream.”

If you believe God is speaking to you in some way about your dreams, pray about it, read through Scripture and seek godly counsel.

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Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.

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