
  • How Being Stiff-Necked and Spirit-Filled Go Together

    How Being Stiff-Necked and Spirit-Filled Go Together

    One of the most troubling events in the Torah is when the children of Israel made a golden calf while Moses was on Mount Sinai receiving the tablets of stone from G-D. Just think about what is taking place. The Israelites can see the fire lighting on the mountain, and they have heard the voice

  • Historic Christian Outreach Leads Thousands to Jesus

    Historic Christian Outreach Leads Thousands to Jesus

    It’s been called the largest Christian event in Egypt’s history as more than 17,000 attended a Gospel crusade and more than 7,800 people made a decision to put their faith in Jesus Christ. Dr. Michael Youssef’s Leading The Way ministry held the evangelistic event in Cairo last month and told CBN News he is praising

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