Morning Rundown: WATCH: End-Time Signs of the Coming Great Day

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WATCH: End-Time Signs of the Coming Great Day

“Now the Spirit clearly says that in the last times some will depart from the faith and pay attention to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their consciences seared with a hot iron” ( 1 Tim. 4:1-2).

There are many who are sounding the call to the days we live in, days of apostasy and turning away from the Word of God.

One voice, Joseph Z, is working to point out to as many as possible of the very clear signs being given that are indicative of the buildup for the end times.

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Rodeo Star Spencer Wright, Wife Pray for ‘Miracle’ After Finding 3-Year-Old Son Unconscious

Rodeo star Spencer Wright and his wife, Kallie, are petitioning God for a miracle after finding their 3-year-old son Levi unconscious in a creek.

The heartbroken parents are holding out hope there’s still “time for a miracle,” despite initially starting to make preparations Wednesday to end care for their young son, according to local media reports. Levi has been in the hospital since Tuesday night, when he drove his toy tractor into a creek in Utah and drifted a mile downstream.

It wasn’t until a new doctor came in to care for little Levi that the Wrights decided to change their plans, giving their son a bit more time to fight—and it appears to be paying off.

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Cathedral’s Unusual Banner Could Be a Prophetic Warning

Could a cathedral’s unusual banner be part of a prophetic warning for 2024?

In California, an Episcopal cathedral decided to hang a 500-foot banner known as “2,000 dragons.” As the Christian Post noted, this was to celebrate the Chinese calendar’s year of the dragon.

The California church, Grace Cathedral, saw this as a chance to welcome their neighbors in Chinatown next door.

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