Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

In a recent discussion with Prophecy Watchers, pastor and Bible teacher Rick Renner delves into an intriguing topic: will the Nephilim, the half-human, half-angelic beings mentioned in the Bible, make a return before Jesus comes again? Drawing from both ancient history and Scripture, Renner explains the signs of the end times, warning of events similar to those described before Noah’s flood.

Renner says the world’s ancient myths of gods and demigods weren’t simply flights of imagination, “In the ancient world, people think, ‘Oh, they just had overactive imaginations.’ No, they were closer to these events, and they remembered these events.” He notes that temples built by ancient civilizations were often dedicated to “fallen deities” that people believed were real, showcasing humanity’s historical connection to these extraordinary beings.

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Renner links these events to biblical passages in 2 Peter and Jude, which discuss angels who “left their first estate” and committed “the unthinkable” by interacting with humans. These rebellious angels, Renner explains, were punished severely: “God put those rebellious angels in chains so they couldn’t move,” he says, emphasizing that these angels, creatures of light, are now bound in darkness “until the time of the great judgment.”

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In discussing the days before the flood, Renner points to a growing corruption that spread through humanity, nearly destroying all purity except for Noah and his family. “Noah was blameless in his generation,” he notes, describing how Noah’s lineage remained untouched by this corruption. Renner sees a modern-day parallel in today’s trends, such as transhumanism and genetic manipulation, as people “violate boundaries that were never supposed to be violated.”

One of the most fascinating aspects of Renner’s discussion involves a prophecy about a faithful remnant who will stand strong at Jesus’ return. When Paul mentions “those that are alive and remain” in 1 Thessalonians 4, Renner explains that the Greek term refers to a remnant of believers who will remain “spiritually robust” in a time of widespread disbelief. This, he says, explains why Jesus asked, “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” Renner believes the true Church will be small yet faithful, contrasting with a “fake church” that embraces worldly values.

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As Renner sees it, recent events provide further confirmation that we are living in prophetic times. The reappearance of what he believes are the ruins of Noah’s Ark, first uncovered in 1948, coincided with the reestablishment of Israel. These events, he says, are not coincidental but “two end-time phenomena” reminding us of God’s plan and promise.

Though Renner warns of challenging times ahead, he reminds listeners that God’s power ultimately prevails. Just as Noah’s family remained pure and faithful, believers today can trust that Jesus will keep and rescue His bride. The Bible promises, “We have this hope as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul,” (Heb. 6:19). Through every trial, believers can hold fast to the hope of Jesus’ return and the ultimate victory He brings.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.

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