Sun. Mar 16th, 2025

Christians Respond in Prayer to Cold-Blooded Attack on Israel

Hamas attack (Reuters YouTube channel screenshot)

Christians in America and across the world are praying for and standing in solidarity with Israel and the Jewish people in the aftermath of Hamas’ barbaric, deadly attack on the Holy Land in what the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) called “the worst massacre of innocent civilians in Israel’s history.”

Hamas, which is a terrorist organization backed by Iran and hell-bent on wiping Israel off the face of the earth, launched an unprecedented, wide-scale, highly coordinated, “surprise attack” on Israel on Saturday, Oct. 7th, which was not only a day coming off the end of the Sukkot holiday in Israel, but it was also on the 50th anniversary of the 1973 war, which also started with an attack that Israel was not expecting.

Caught off-guard this past Saturday morning, Israeli military and intelligence forces reportedly did not detect any warning that this massive attack was coming. Under the cover of stealth mode, hundreds of Hamas terrorists invaded the Holy Land with murderous intent at approximately 6:30 a.m. local time, coming over from Gaza, which is controlled by Hamas, the governing body over the Palestinian people.

Armed with weapons that President Joe Biden abandoned in the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, the terrorists proceeded to viciously slaughter Jewish men, women and children in cold-blood—with no mercy or shred of humanity—to an extent that echoes the horrors of Jewish people being exterminated in the Holocaust during World War II.

Dozens of graphic videos have emerged on the Internet, showing the savagery of the Hamas killers, whom Rabbi Shmuley, a well-known rabbi in the U.S. calls, “evil incarnate.”

As the violence was unfolding and the Jewish victims were being identified, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a formal statement to all the citizens of Israel: “Hamas wants to murder us all. It is an enemy that murders children and mothers in their homes. In their beds. An enemy who kidnaps the elderly, children, girls. Murderers who slap and slaughter our citizens, our children, who all in all went out to spend the holiday.”

Netanyahu’s statement also expressed a firm commitment to defeat Iran-backed Hamas. “Hamas started a cruel and evil war. We will win this war, but the price is too heavy to bear.”

The Hamas terrorists took a large number of hostages, including not only Israeli citizens, but also, according to Israel’s Ambassador to the US and multiple Congressmen, U.S. citizens. It’s been reported that the Hamas terrorists have been raping Jewish women, torturing children and mutilating men, among other barbaric acts of unrestrained violence and pure evil.


It is now being reported that DOZENS of Americans are being held hostage by the Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

Iran is NOT our friend.

We pray for the safe return of our countrymen & we pray for safety & security of our ally Israel.

The condition of the U.S. citizens held hostage in Gaza has not been reported yet from reliable sources, but the terrorists have been shouting “Death to America,” along with “Death to Israel.” This has raised fears that a terrorist attack could happen on U.S. soil in the near future to exacerbate the terror, especially with countless, unknown men of military-fighting age streaming across the open U.S. southern border over the past couple of years and disappearing into the interior of the heartland of America.

President Donald Trump publicly blamed Biden for the attack on Israel, pointing to how the Biden Administration gave Iran $6 billion and emboldened terrorists by Biden’s weak posture as a leader negotiating with terror-supporting nation-states on the international stage.

Biden also reportedly released $75 million to the Palestinians just hours before the surprise attack. And the fact that weapons from the U.S.’s withdrawal from Afghanistan were used by Hamas killers makes Biden look complicit—or, at best, naïve—with a few commentators asserting that there is “blood on Biden’s hands.”

The militaristic mobilization of Hamas terrorists, who launched the offensive from Gaza, should be viewed as a personal attack on every man and woman in the United States, according to high-profile political figures, such as presidential candidate Nikki Haley, who is the former Ambassador to the United Nations and former Governor of South Carolina. This was an attack on freedom, Judeo-Christian values, democracy and the way of life for Americans and Israelis alike.

Former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy also weighed in strongly about Israel, saying, “We share a special relationship with the only democracy in the Middle East. Their values are our values. Their heritage is our heritage. Their security is our security.”

As political figures pontificate and make broad sweeping statements, the attack on Israel was indeed close and personal for missionary Heidi Baker, a co-founder of the Iris Global missions NGO and a beloved prophetic leader in charismatic circles. She took to X (formerly Twitter) to report how she was in Israel during the time of the attack and what she experienced.

“We are in the middle of our Harvest School of missions in Israel, not far from Jerusalem. Today, on the Sabbath, we woke up and Israel was at war. Massive numbers of rockets streaming into the country from Gaza,” she tweeted on October 7th, the day of the Hamas attack.

She went on to write on the social media platform, “Sirens. Premeditated attacks on the ground, police assaulted, hostages taken. Several times today we went into a bomb shelter. We hear explosions in the distance. Now we are worshipping fervently together with our students and guest speakers.”

She asks for prayer. “Please join us in praying for peace. Peace, safety and wisdom for all authorities involved so that things do not get any worse than they have to. It’s a little scary but we are honored to be here, to pray in the midst of a storm,” she added in her string of tweets.

Blending prayer and prophetic declaration, Chuck Pierce, the president of Zion International and a trusted prophetic voice in the charismatic/Pentecostal community, tweeted, “We are decreeing that the Lord’s supernatural hand of protection is coming down over Israel. We will war on behalf of His covenant land.”

Reinforcing the clarion call for Christians to pray for Israel, minister Paula White-Cain, the head of Paula White Ministries and the Senior Pastor of City of Destiny Church in Orlando, Florida, tweeted out Bible verses, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! ‘May they be secure who love you! Peace be within your walls and security within your towers!’ – Psalm 122:6,7. ‘I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse.’ – Genesis 12:3. #prayforisrael #israel”

Israel has begun to respond to Hamas’ brutal attack against the Holy Land. Since this is a spiritual battle of good vs. evil, Christians and pro-Israel leaders and average people alike are rallying support behind Israel. Jay Sekulow, the Chief Counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice, tweeted, “As Israel is under attack, we are mobilizing to defend our ally’s right to defend herself against these jihadist attacks. Pray for Israel.”

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However, not everyone is supporting Israel, despite the bloodshed of innocent Jewish lives. Shockingly, pro-Hamas, pro-terror rallies happened across the United States and Europe on Sunday, a day after the massacre in Israel. The Hamas sympathizers celebrated the death of 700+ Israelis and the perceived “victory” of the pro-Palestinian group of murderous thugs. They spewed their propaganda and lies.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a presidential candidate, condemned the celebration of Jewish annihilation. “The rallies in Tampa and Ft. Lauderdale supporting Hamas are abhorrent. Hamas is a terrorist group that is dedicated to the destruction of Israel and commits atrocities to further that end. We are proud of the relationship between Florida and Israel and remember well the support we received from the IDF following the Surfside tower collapse. Florida stands with Israel as it faces one of its greatest challenges.”

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Iran helped Hamas’ deadly attack against Israel and gave the final go-ahead for the invasion in Beirut last week.

Lance Wallnau, a prophetic Christian leader, the head of the Lance Learning Group and the host of The Lance Wallnau Show, says people’s celebration of Hamas’ violent actions is “the most demonic part.” He sees it as certain people being under “the spirit of mind control.” People are deluded into thinking that violence against other people is, in some way, “doing God a service.”

At the same time, he urged caution and wisdom on the part of Israel and supporters of Israel because the terrorists want an overreaction, according to Wallnau. People need to think about the long term and be better prepared.

What happened in Israel this past weekend shines a spotlight on a national security risk for the United States. Tom Holman, the former Acting Director of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and said, “I don’t know how many terrorists came across that border and didn’t get arrested. But, someday, we’re going to find out and it’s going to be a bad day for America. What happened in Israel can happen here.”

Michael Caputo, who was the Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services under the Trump Administration, affirms the potential danger to American citizens in light of the open border. The U.S. will likely need to step in and help its long-time ally Israel in this war. American interests are at stake.

Pray for Israel and all the Jewish people, as well as America, in the wake of this massacre, which is now being called the equivalent of “Israel’s 9/11.” As Chuck Pierce declared, the supernatural hand of God’s protection is coming down upon Israel.

While Israel may only be beginning to embark on winning this war as it mobilizes over a hundred thousand soldiers in full escalation, Christians know that Jesus Christ has already won the victory over evil. God continues to love Israel and the people of Israel. The days, weeks and months will not be easy, but faith leaders agree that it’s a battle of good vs. evil.

The pro-Palestinian terrorists made a grave mistake when they touched the little children in the land with which God has a covenant.

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Anthony Hart is a freelance writer.

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