Anthony Hart

  • ‘Unplanned’ Actress Pursuing Call to Help People Find Healing

    ‘Unplanned’ Actress Pursuing Call to Help People Find Healing

    Few Christians pick up the cultural mandate to step outside the walls of church and meaningfully influence mainstream culture. Even fewer believers strategically use their God-given talents, Spirit-led wisdom and true authenticity (warts and all) to change the way the average person thinks about how healing of the soul can be intertwined with spiritual growth.

  • Is Former President Trump a True Believer in the Power of Prayer?

    Is Former President Trump a True Believer in the Power of Prayer?

    Former President Donald Trump asked his longtime friend and adviser Roger Stone to pray in a personal phone call recently as Stone was on his way to the Ft. Lauderdale-based Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, which was founded by D. James Kennedy and dedicated by Billy Graham. Stone revealed the details of Trump’s prayer request in

  • Rocket Attacks Shook Touring American Christians as War Erupted

    Rocket Attacks Shook Touring American Christians as War Erupted

    A group of over 40 American Christians touring the Holy Land with End Times Ministries witnessed the initial rocket attacks firsthand while visiting Masada, one of the touristic sites in the West Bank, on the day Hamas launched its hellish attacks from land, sea and air. They escaped the danger by the grace of God.

  • Christians Respond in Prayer to Cold-Blooded Attack on Israel

    Christians Respond in Prayer to Cold-Blooded Attack on Israel

    Christians in America and across the world are praying for and standing in solidarity with Israel and the Jewish people in the aftermath of Hamas’ barbaric, deadly attack on the Holy Land in what the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) called “the worst massacre of innocent civilians in Israel’s history.” Hamas, which is a terrorist organization

  • All Some Christians Want for Christmas Is a Bank That Won’t Cancel Them

    All Some Christians Want for Christmas Is a Bank That Won’t Cancel Them

    Read Time: 3 Minutes 27 Seconds When Christians and conservatives who love Jesus and America go to pay the bills for all the Christmas gifts they buy for family and friends this holiday season, they hope their checking and savings accounts still exist at mainstream consumer banks, which have become increasingly enmeshed in “woke” ideology

  • Science Hints the Holy Spirit Is More Effective Than Antidepressant Drugs to Treat Anxiety

    Science Hints the Holy Spirit Is More Effective Than Antidepressant Drugs to Treat Anxiety

    Read Time: 4 Minutes 10 Seconds A first-of-its-kind clinical trial recently demonstrated that meditation is as effective as an antidepressant drug to treat people with anxiety disorders. Inadvertently, this study sparked questions about the impact of Christ-centered spirituality that is at a higher level than simply the practice of meditation. Since living life in the

  • Will Democrats Force ‘North American Union’ on U.S. after Election Victories?

    Will Democrats Force ‘North American Union’ on U.S. after Election Victories?

    The future of the United States of America hangs in the balance, awaiting the results of today’s nationwide elections. If the Democrats win both houses of Congress again, the U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken is prepared to push a globalist agenda to combine the U.S., Canada and Mexico into the “North American Union.” While

  • Fox News Contributor Sets Record Straight on ‘Wise Men Who Found Christmas’

    Fox News Contributor Sets Record Straight on ‘Wise Men Who Found Christmas’

    Read Time: 2 Minutes, 46 Seconds As a Fox News contributor, Raymond Arroyo is well-known for serving up the most foolish moments in fake news during his popular “Friday Follies” segment on “The Ingraham Angle.” But, as a Christian, Arroyo has now taken on a new challenge of serving up the truth about the “Wise

  • Elvis Presley’s Charismatic Faith on Display in New Book

    Elvis Presley’s Charismatic Faith on Display in New Book

    A new book called “The Faith of Elvis Presley” explores the spiritual side of the iconic “Heartbreak Hotel” singer, asserting that Elvis was a devout Christian who prayed for the infilling of the Holy Spirit on a regular basis. The author, Billy Stanley, whose mother married Presley’s father Vernon in 1960, reveals that Elvis wanted

  • The World Is Watching: Speculation of September 24 Catastrophic Event Sends Many Into Panic

    The World Is Watching: Speculation of September 24 Catastrophic Event Sends Many Into Panic

    Speculation of a catastrophic or world-changing event to happen on Sept. 24 has gone wild on social media, stemming from a mistake that a German legislator made in a speech earlier this month. Fueling the spread of this online fascination are QAnon conspiracy theories, TikTok content creators and numerology-based interpretations of a specific episode of

  • What ‘The Jetsons’ and Cindy Jacobs Prophetically Got Right

    What ‘The Jetsons’ and Cindy Jacobs Prophetically Got Right

    Just as the 1960s cartoon The Jetsons depicted a future full of video phones, robotics and Google-style office space, some modern-day prophets have prophesied about a future full of exposing corruption, fighting for individual freedom and shining a light on truth. One of those prophets is Cindy Jacobs, and her prophecy from 12 years ago

  • Jesus Christ Trends on Twitter This Week, Tearing the Digital Veil

    Jesus Christ Trends on Twitter This Week, Tearing the Digital Veil

    If a digital equivalent of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil existed, many Twitter users would spitefully tweet out “forbidden fruit” in their enraged, woke hysteria in search of a utopia that doesn’t exist. But the social media platform also occasionally gets a new branch of life when people of faith express

  • Pastor Pushes Back Against Congressman for Calling Charismatics ‘The Christian Taliban’

    Pastor Pushes Back Against Congressman for Calling Charismatics ‘The Christian Taliban’

    Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., has unleashed a firestorm of controversy and persecution against Cornerstone Christian Center in Basalt, Colorado, by calling charismatic Christians, including the church’s recent guest speaker, Rep, Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., “the Christian Taliban.” But the pernicious remarks by the Illinois Congressman may be backfiring on him, creating a spontaneous new phenomenon called

  • Charismatic Christian Spreads Spirit-Filled Hope, Boldness and Truth to the U.S. House of Representatives

    Charismatic Christian Spreads Spirit-Filled Hope, Boldness and Truth to the U.S. House of Representatives

    One of the most high-profile, outspoken, freedom-fighting and influential conservative members of the U.S. House of Representatives is a Spirit-filled, Charismatic Christian. Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert (R) stepped into the pulpit as a guest speaker at Cornerstone Christian Center in Basalt, Colorado, this past weekend, celebrated the overturning of Roe v. Wade as answered prayer,

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