Another detail has surfaced in the latest T.D. Jakes lawsuit cases involving Duane Youngblood, who went on the Larry Reid Live where he accused Jakes of sexually assaulting him.
Now, Youngblood’s brother, Pastor Richard Edwin Youngblood, is stating that he also experienced abuse by Jakes.
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As the Christian Post reported, Richard Youngblood’s accusation is listed in some of the affidavits which support his brother’s claim in a 167-page motion filed last week in opposition to Jakes’ defamation suit.
Richard Youngblood claims that years ago, Jakes climbed in his bed inappropriately and attempted to grab and even kiss him.
“I got up out of bed in complete shock,” Youngblood claims, according to the Post. “He grabbed me by my arms and pulled me to him and started trying to kiss me. At this point, I cannot believe what is happening to me.”
Five others have filed affidavits supporting Duane Youngblood, including Jeffrey S. Gray, LaShawn Youngblood, Daniel B. Spaulding, Landon Claybourne and Joshua Munoz.
As Charisma News reported at the end of last year, Jakes filed a 20-page defamation suit against Duane Youngblood after the interview with Larry Reid went public. The suit stated:
From start to finish, Youngblood’s tale of grooming and attempted sexual assault at the hands of Bishop Jakes is patently false. Bishop Jakes never kissed or tried to kiss Youngblood, never cornered him or forced him into any situation (sexual or otherwise)…The interactions described by Youngblood during his LRL interviews on Oct. 28 and Nov. 3 never happened, period.
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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.