Fri. Sep 6th, 2024
(Screengrab, YouTube/Jonathan Cahn Official)

Discover the Mystery of an Ancient Force Behind What’s Happening In Our World Today,
and Where It’s All Heading

Is there a dangerous force from ancient times that is now operating in our world and determining the course of world events?

What are the mysteries behind the end of the age and what is happening before our eyes—and what are the hidden keys to victory in the light of what’s coming?

Jonathan Cahn answers these gripping questions and more in his stunning new book, “The Dragon’s Prophecy: Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days,” released TODAY, Sept. 3, by Charisma Media, available everywhere books are sold.

Cahn is well known for uncovering ancient mysteries in the Bible and for bringing forth astonishing but true prophetic messages. He’s had eight explosive New York Times bestsellers, and “The Dragon’s Prophecy” is poised as another groundbreaking addition to his illustrious body of work, with over 40,000 copies pre-ordered by consumers, and over 200,000 sold into the marketplace in advance of its release.

Like No Book Before It

Cahn says this book is different from any other book he’s ever written. “I’ve never written a book before that opens up the realm of end-time prophecy—how there are actual events and movements transpiring in the world connected to the book of Revelation, the prophecies of Ezekiel and the end of the age.”

But “The Dragon’s Prophecy” uncovers all that and more. This book was also different in that amazing things kept happening as Cahn undertook writing it—current events kept unfolding so quickly that he could barely keep up. “This is the only book where, as I was writing it, I had to keep rewriting it to update it because what I was writing kept coming true,” he says.

NEW RELEASE! Jonathan Cahn’s latest jaw-dropping book, “The Dragon’s Prophecy.” Find it at

Invasion of Israel Foretold

Cahn begins “The Dragon’s Prophecy” with a shocking announcement. “This was not the book I had planned to write,” he says. “That book was to be the sequel to ‘The Return of the Gods.’ But what happened across the world would combine with a strong leading in my spirit that the book I was about to write was for a future time. The Lord interrupted me and led me instead to write this book, ‘The Dragon’s Prophecy.’ Another mystery was now to be opened.”

The book begins with a 3,000 year-old mystery that actually foretold the invasion of Israel by Hamas down to the year—even the exact date!

“It was October 6, 2023,” writes Cahn, “at the Friday night service of Beth Israel, the worship center I lead in Wayne, New Jersey. I was led to speak on one of the mysteries from my book, ‘The Josiah Manifesto,’ which had just been released a month earlier.”

“The following morning, Hamas would launch a massive invasion from the Gaza Strip into the land of Israel,” he continues. “Israel would be taken by surprise. What happened that day would shock the sensibilities of many around the world. It would also be the manifestation of the mystery I had shared the very night before.”

Cahn says the mystery foreshadowed a coming event:

— It foretold that Israel would be attacked by its enemies.

— The attack would involve a massive ground invasion, the first such invasion in half a century.

— It would catch the nation by surprise.

— Though there would be warnings of its coming, the warnings would not be taken seriously.

— The invasion would happen on the Sabbath, the Hebrew day of rest.

— It would take place on one of the sacred appointed times of God, given in the Torah.

— It would lead to war.

— It would happen on the first Saturday of October of 2023.

“It would all come to pass the morning after I shared the mystery’s foundation and parameters,” says Cahn. “In ‘The Dragon’s Prophecy’ I share how the mystery foreordained and foretold exactly what would take place, and when. That night, and what followed, would lead to the opening of a mystery that began in ancient times and lay behind the events of modern times.”

The Force Behind It All

Cahn says the mystery may even enable us to know future events—what will happen and when.  

In fact, after he finished writing ‘The Dragon’s Prophecy,’ three more events came true, according to the mystery.

Cahn reveals that there is an ancient and dangerous force that lies behind these earth-shaking events taking place in the world today. “The Dragon’s Prophecy” will also open up such mysteries as the Return of the Sea Peoples, the Colors of the Apocalypse, the Black Sabbath, the Mystery of Jubilees, the Beast, the Secret on the Mount and more.

Press On!

Cahn says the reason he wrote “The Dragon’s Prophecy” is to remove the veil behind what is happening our world—to expose the spiritual realm, the forces, the entities, the mystery—so that whoever reads it can not only recognize the strategies of the enemy happening in the world with regard to Israel and believers, but against themselves, specifically, individually and personally.

“In the end times, this war will only intensify,” says Cahn. “So the book is not only to reveal, but to enable and arm you to stand, to prevail, and to overcome.”

He ends the book with encouragement for believers. “Press on in confidence, in courage, in love, in the true, the right, the heavenly and the good,” he concludes. “No matter what, press on. For good will prevail and those who hold fast and press on in the ways of God will, in the end, be victorious!”

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