The Flaming Herald

  • The Convictions and Conduct of Christians Matter

    The Convictions and Conduct of Christians Matter

    Not every believer has the same convictions. There are believers and then there are disciples. There are disobedient believers, and disciples who are always looking to be more obedient. The Word of God and the Holy Spirit shape us. Associations also aid in shaping and molding us into true disciples. I’m grateful to have had

  • It’s Time to Drain the False Prophetic Swamp

    It’s Time to Drain the False Prophetic Swamp

    I believe there  are many more false prophets than true ones in America. I applaud Mario Murillo, who came out and exposed the wokeness of Christianity today. The “prophetic” swamp must be drained. The degree of goofiness and tomfoolery in the false prophetic camp is off the charts. We have no foundations. Even the definitions

  • The Word of the Lord for the Church in 2023 and Beyond

    The Word of the Lord for the Church in 2023 and Beyond

    Read Time: 3 minutes 9 seconds What if God’s plan in this season is to dismantle what we thought was Him and His way, and rebuild according to His plan and purpose? The New Testament church/ekklesia is changing and evolving to resemble more the heavenly pattern and not the earthly mixture that it’s been. Jesus

  • Are We Placing Our Trust More in Government Than God?

    Are We Placing Our Trust More in Government Than God?

    Read time: 2 minutes, 56 seconds Let me start off by saying that I believe that we, as the body of Christ, have a responsibility to be involved and engaged in civil activity and in the various sectors and spheres of society, especially in government and political affairs. However, as it is written, we are

  • Have We Departed From the  Simplicity of Christ?

    Have We Departed From the Simplicity of Christ?

    Recently I heard a pastor say the following: “When I was pastoring and saw little fruit, I began to call those with potential to reach others for Christ to our home and to mentor them one on one. That’s where massive growth happened in the people.” Local pastors and elders need to start thinking outside of

  • How We Can Keep the Revival Fires Burning

    How We Can Keep the Revival Fires Burning

    Why do revivals and moves of God dry up and die or greatly diminish from their original strength? What has happened to denominations like Methodism, Lutheranism and Presbyterianism that began in a blaze of spiritual fire and revelation, but then gradually decreased over the years? What of the Salvation Army and other parachurch organizations? Here,

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