Bert Farias

  • What America’s Churches Need Most

    What America’s Churches Need Most

    The conditions in the world are not going to get any better. But the Spirit-filled church under the lordship of Jesus Christ is our hope. The church is the restrainer of evil and the conscience of the nation. The reason for lack of power and purpose in the city church, or ekklesia, is because of

  • Follow Jesus, Not the Sensational and Spectacular

    Follow Jesus, Not the Sensational and Spectacular

    The waters of the entire deliverance, inner healing and so-called prophetic movement have been severely muddied. Much of the church also has a skewed mindset concerning Israel, the rapture and eschatology, in general, as well as a misdefined understanding of love and grace. The reason for these muddied waters and skewed mindsets on these themes

  • Don’t Eat Spiritual Junk Food Anymore

    Don’t Eat Spiritual Junk Food Anymore

    “You shall keep My statutes. You shall not let your livestock breed with another kind. You shall not sow your field with mixed seed. Nor shall a garment of mixed linen and wool come upon you” (Lev. 19:19, NKJV). Breaking news, Spirit-filled stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now! For they have taken some of

  • The Convictions and Conduct of Christians Matter

    The Convictions and Conduct of Christians Matter

    Not every believer has the same convictions. There are believers and then there are disciples. There are disobedient believers, and disciples who are always looking to be more obedient. The Word of God and the Holy Spirit shape us. Associations also aid in shaping and molding us into true disciples. I’m grateful to have had

  • It’s Time to Drain the False Prophetic Swamp

    It’s Time to Drain the False Prophetic Swamp

    I believe there  are many more false prophets than true ones in America. I applaud Mario Murillo, who came out and exposed the wokeness of Christianity today. The “prophetic” swamp must be drained. The degree of goofiness and tomfoolery in the false prophetic camp is off the charts. We have no foundations. Even the definitions

  • Your Spirit-Filled Strategy to Live Above the Envy, Jealousy and Competition of Ministry Today

    Your Spirit-Filled Strategy to Live Above the Envy, Jealousy and Competition of Ministry Today

    Read Time: 4 minutes 45 seconds  Do not compare, compete with or covet another’s ministry or status. It kills the anointing and the unity of the body. The works of the flesh are these, but the spirit that’s full of Jesus is so full of love for everyone to succeed more than they do. That

  • The Word of the Lord for the Church in 2023 and Beyond

    The Word of the Lord for the Church in 2023 and Beyond

    Read Time: 3 minutes 9 seconds What if God’s plan in this season is to dismantle what we thought was Him and His way, and rebuild according to His plan and purpose? The New Testament church/ekklesia is changing and evolving to resemble more the heavenly pattern and not the earthly mixture that it’s been. Jesus

  • Are We Placing Our Trust More in Government Than God?

    Are We Placing Our Trust More in Government Than God?

    Read time: 2 minutes, 56 seconds Let me start off by saying that I believe that we, as the body of Christ, have a responsibility to be involved and engaged in civil activity and in the various sectors and spheres of society, especially in government and political affairs. However, as it is written, we are

  • Have We Departed From the  Simplicity of Christ?

    Have We Departed From the Simplicity of Christ?

    Recently I heard a pastor say the following: “When I was pastoring and saw little fruit, I began to call those with potential to reach others for Christ to our home and to mentor them one on one. That’s where massive growth happened in the people.” Local pastors and elders need to start thinking outside of

  • How We Can Keep the Revival Fires Burning

    How We Can Keep the Revival Fires Burning

    Why do revivals and moves of God dry up and die or greatly diminish from their original strength? What has happened to denominations like Methodism, Lutheranism and Presbyterianism that began in a blaze of spiritual fire and revelation, but then gradually decreased over the years? What of the Salvation Army and other parachurch organizations? Here,

  • How the Holy Spirit Moves Us to Prayer and Praise

    How the Holy Spirit Moves Us to Prayer and Praise

    Read time: 2 minutes 32 seconds “Then they worshipped Him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and were continually in the temple, praising and blessing God. Amen” (Luke 24:52-53). I find those two verses fascinating. Without a seven-piece band on an uplifted stage. Without fancy light effects. Without an assigned worship leader or a

  • Prophetic Word to Pastors: Are You Building for the Storm?

    Prophetic Word to Pastors: Are You Building for the Storm?

    Read Time: 5 Minutes, 20 Seconds A storm is coming. The torrential rains shall fall. The waters shall rise. The floods shall sweep away all wood, hay and stubble. The violent winds will blow away all that was built irresponsibly. Are you building your house on the rock or on the sand? “Whoever hears these

  • Why the Church Must Return to a True Biblical Standard for Leadership

    Why the Church Must Return to a True Biblical Standard for Leadership

    I love to read and meditate on Paul’s farewell speech to the Ephesian elders and his reference to the transforming power and potency of his personal example. It marks his heart for the elders, who were appointed to care for the churches. “We will have many memories of our time together in Ephesus; but of

  • Prophetic Word: We Must Make Real Disciples and Lift the Ban on Holiness

    Prophetic Word: We Must Make Real Disciples and Lift the Ban on Holiness

    In the West, we fall short of understanding true discipleship. We think that faithful church attendance and listening to one man give a one-hour sermon once or twice a week is discipleship. Now, don’t misunderstand me; we absolutely cannot afford to underestimate the value and importance of teaching, but in comparison to some other parts

  • Why Pastors and Local Elders Need to Wake Up to the Move of the Spirit

    Why Pastors and Local Elders Need to Wake Up to the Move of the Spirit

    It has been my experience over many years of ministry that most ministers fall short of giving themselves to prayer and the Word. “But we will [continue to] devote ourselves [steadfastly] to prayer and to the ministry of the word” (Acts 6:4, AMP). Today we have too much focus on the intellect and degrees and

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