Prophetic Fire

  • The Breathtaking Prophetic Headlines that ShockedUin’22!

    The Breathtaking Prophetic Headlines that ShockedUin’22!

    Read time: 2 minutes 12 seconds The past 12 months saw a wealth of biblical prophecies come to fruition. From wars and rumors of wars, to historic droughts and social unrest, 2022 brought with it just as many prophetic revelations. While Chris Reed shares about America and what her role is in the End Times

  • Chuck Pierce Prophesies for 2023: We Must Think Like Joseph to Prepare for Lean Years

    Chuck Pierce Prophesies for 2023: We Must Think Like Joseph to Prepare for Lean Years

    Read Time: 1 Minute 48 Seconds The news headlines in 2022 have been filled with gloom and doom forecasts. People write and speak of a shortage of this, there is a shortage of that, whether it’s diesel fuel or essential food products. So, how are we to prepare ourselves for famine throughout our land? Prophet

  • Prophetic Word: The Holy Spirit Says, ‘You Are a Mushroom’

    Prophetic Word: The Holy Spirit Says, ‘You Are a Mushroom’

    Read Time: 3 Minutes 43 Seconds I believe God is about to reveal His miracle-working power in a worldwide revival. The entire world is in a crisis of ungodly leadership and lies. It will take the power of God to break through this maze. A Holy Spirit revival on the streets would meet this need. So,

  • A ‘Davidic Anointing’ is Descending Upon Musical Instruments

    A ‘Davidic Anointing’ is Descending Upon Musical Instruments

    I once heard a testimony where the Holy Ghost was falling upon the people during worship. The preacher, R.W. Schambach, testified how the piano player got so filled with the Spirit that she fell off of the piano bench and the piano kept right on playing. No other explanation could be found except, “Jesus knows

  • Do Current Bizzare Weather Events Point to Biblical Prophecy?

    Do Current Bizzare Weather Events Point to Biblical Prophecy?

    Read Time: 3 minutes 28 seconds A heartbreaking weather phenomenon is currently happening in Pakistan and many are wondering if it’s tied to biblical prophecy. More than 1 million homes have been destroyed and at least 1,100 people have died since massive flood rains started devastating the country in June. Pakistan typically gets three to

  • WATCH: The Prophetic Peace That Comes from the Mar-a-Lago Invasion

    WATCH: The Prophetic Peace That Comes from the Mar-a-Lago Invasion

    Read Time: 1 minute, 50 seconds Like many Americans, Rabbi Curt Landry was horrified at the FBI’s recent invasion of former President Donald Trump’s personal residence at Mar-a-Lago in Florida. And, Landry says, this unspeakable action has a prophetic significance for the body of Christ. “The Scripture that the Lord gives me about this comes

  • Prophecy: The Josephs Are Stepping Into Their Suddenly

    Prophecy: The Josephs Are Stepping Into Their Suddenly

    “I have declared from the beginning the former things [which happened in times past to Israel]; they went forth from My mouth and I made them known; then suddenly I did them, and they came to pass [says the Lord]” (Isa. 48:3 AMPC). The promises that go forth from His mouth, He performs suddenly. The

  • Chuck Pierce Prophesies: The Lord Says, ‘Your Path is Now Changing”

    Chuck Pierce Prophesies: The Lord Says, ‘Your Path is Now Changing”

    In every new season, we must embrace change. Sometimes, we get in such a rut and routine in where we are going and what we are doing, that we lose the ability to adapt and change in the midst of God’s changing times. When we encounter roadblocks or detours, we don’t always perceive that the Lord

  • Prophetic Word: There Will Be a Day of Reckoning

    Prophetic Word: There Will Be a Day of Reckoning

    “Behold, the day of the LORD comes, cruel, with both wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate; and He will destroy its sinners from it. For the stars of heaven and their constellations will not give their light; the sun will be darkened in its going forth, and the moon will not cause

  • What ‘The Jetsons’ and Cindy Jacobs Prophetically Got Right

    What ‘The Jetsons’ and Cindy Jacobs Prophetically Got Right

    Just as the 1960s cartoon The Jetsons depicted a future full of video phones, robotics and Google-style office space, some modern-day prophets have prophesied about a future full of exposing corruption, fighting for individual freedom and shining a light on truth. One of those prophets is Cindy Jacobs, and her prophecy from 12 years ago

  • Dutch Sheets Prophesies: The Evil Plans of the Wicked Will Boomerang Back

    Dutch Sheets Prophesies: The Evil Plans of the Wicked Will Boomerang Back

    The events of last week have shocked many Americans. While my responsibility and calling is not to defend individuals or political parties, it is worth pointing out that what the Left did on 8/8, has never been done in our 246-year history as a nation. My assignment, however, is to help us identify what is

  • How Prophetic Evangelism Is Impacting Change in Today’s Culture

    How Prophetic Evangelism Is Impacting Change in Today’s Culture

    Dr. Candice Smithyman, host of Manifest His Presence on the Charisma Podcast Network, recently interviewed apostle Stacey Campbell, founder of Shiloh Global about how prophecy can impact today’s culture. Apostle Campbell is passionate about teaching young people and rescuing them from the evils of sex trafficking and difficult situations. She also taught many ministry leaders

  • Prophetic Vision: Three Tables Are Set

    Prophetic Vision: Three Tables Are Set

    Recently as I was worshipping the Lord, I went into a vision where I could see I was in a dark and very deep valley. It was nighttime, and the valley was surrounded by tall mountains. On the top of each I could see the outlines of men and instinctively knew they were enemies. Then

  • Cindy Jacobs Prophesies: The Lord Says, ‘Am I Not the Mender of Broken Hearts?’

    Cindy Jacobs Prophesies: The Lord Says, ‘Am I Not the Mender of Broken Hearts?’

    I was just praying and asking the Lord, “How can I encourage you all today?” I know there are so many challenges out there, but this is what the Lord said to me. The Lord said, “There are some longstanding thorns in your flesh,” meaning that there are some things that have happened to you

  • Prophetic Vision: The Lord Says, ‘I’m Releasing My People From Bondage’

    Prophetic Vision: The Lord Says, ‘I’m Releasing My People From Bondage’

    I hear the Lord saying, “I’m releasing my people from bondage!” As I waited on the Lord, I felt a deep overwhelming love fill my heart for people. I was taken into a vision and saw chains and very large bags being carried over the shoulders by millions of people off into the distance. It

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