
Why Americans Should Be Thankful for Trump’s Many Accomplishments

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Steve Strang

On Thanksgiving Day, I’m thankful God has raised up a leader like Donald Trump. Many across the country are very aware of President Trump’s numerous accomplishments thus far in his presidency. But others seem to need reminders—repeatedly.

Listen to my podcast below, where I share my thoughts about this. Of course, most of my readers know I have written two books about Trump: God and Donald Trump and my latest release, Trump Aftershock. I consider them to be objective analyses of where the country is spiritually and also of how God is using this unlikely man.

But you don’t have to have spent time researching and writing about Trump to be aware of his many accomplishments, for which I believe all Americans should be thankful. They are a direct result of his agenda as outlined in Trump Aftershock, especially in the section called “President Trump’s 500 Days of American Greatness.”

In my book, I call these accomplishments “aftershocks,” and while Trump’s opponents may not want to admit it, we are all benefiting from the major breakthroughs this president has made.

In his first 500 days in office, President Trump has achieved results domestically and internationally for the American people. Since taking office, he has strengthened American leadership, security, prosperity and accountability.

After 500 days, the results are clear: The American economy is stronger, American workers are experiencing more opportunities, confidence is soaring, and business is booming. President Trump has reasserted American leadership on the world stage, secured vital investments in our military, and stood up against threats to our national security, all while putting the American people first and making government more accountable.

Specifically, President Trump’s agenda has aimed to:

  • Free the economy to boom
  • Restore the federal courts
  • Address the surge of illegal immigration
  • Rebuild the U.S. military
  • Combat the media’s “fake news”
  • Make headway with high-profile international leaders
  • Expose the deep state
  • Strengthen ties with Israel
  • Protect religious liberty and values
  • Uplift America’s standing in the world

Our public relations firm sent out a news release to the media earlier this week about how Americans should be thankful for Trump’s many accomplishments. It occurred to me that on Thanksgiving Day, I wanted to share it with my readers through this newsletter.

Trump Aftershock, which released on Election Day, unpacks the president’s seismic impact on culture and faith in America. If you read it, I believe you’ll discover unreported facts and understand what the nation’s most unlikely and unconventional president has accomplished.

Of course, I’ve told you before that you can buy the book and download a free chapter at trumpaftershock.com. It’s also available at Walmart, Barnes&Noble, Costco, Sam’s Club and many other fine retailers as well as available online at Amazon.

As I shared in my podcast and newsletter yesterday, I am grateful that the Lord allowed me to meet the president, to interview him and to write these two books. It has been a great blessing in my life and has opened many doors to speak truth and bless others. I pray these books can be a blessing to you as well.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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