Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

What the Left Totally Misses About What America Truly Represents

If you’ve been keeping up with the news, you know American politics is driven by agendas, and often these agendas directly compete with each other. But the Democratic Party has gone so far with its liberal agenda that it stands in stark contrast with the United States’ true purpose.

Conservative thinker Marc Nuttle calls this tension “competing intents of purpose.” In part, he says, America’s original intent of purpose was to provide freedom through limited government. That purpose flowed from a worldview that said God created man in His image. Yet now, Democrats are twisting that intent of purpose with a cold, atheistic worldview that turns government into a “god” the American people must depend on.

I found Nuttle’s thoughts on the subject so fascinating that I interviewed him on my “Strang Report” podcast. You can listen to our conversation by clicking here or clicking on the podcast icon in this article. He gave me permission to reprint his recent newsletter on the subject, which I encourage you to read below:

In a recent interview, columnist George Will, who is not a fan of President Trump, stated that the Democrats are proposing policy that has no connection to the purpose and cause of the United States. He listed national health care and the elimination of private health insurance, which is currently found satisfactory by 180 million Americans; the elimination of the Electoral College, which benefits the citizens of over 40 states; an additional federal wealth tax on those paying federal tax, even though over 50% of Americans currently pay no federal income tax (in other words, approximately 41% of Americans pay all the federal tax, but progressives think they need to pay more so a majority doesn’t have to pay any tax); a new Green Deal which will eliminate or severely curtail the fossil fuel and cattle industries; free college tuition without demanding any reforms from university bureaucracies; more regulation of the financial industry in lieu of any evidence of cause and effect; and reparations for minorities without formulas for calculating amounts or distribution. George’s point is that, if this is the Democratic platform on which the Democratic nominee will run, it is so disconnected from the reality of the identity of American intent of purpose that Donald Trump will be reelected.

The question presents itself: what is the objective of America’s intent and purpose? To what end, through what creed, driven by what cause, to achieve what purpose is our vision?

The national press would have us believe that literally everything is wrong about America. It’s as if they believe no good comes from anything independent of government or outside the control of liberals. In the past three weeks, I have met with government officials in Israel and Ukraine. They not only seek America’s help, they seek a closer relationship. They desire to align with our values. They sense that, in a relationship with America, they are free to pursue their own destiny to the benefit and advantage of both countries. They come to this conclusion because they place the value of their citizens’ opportunity over the importance of the state.

Abroad, CNN is the dominant U.S. news broadcaster. They seldom cast America’s intent of purpose in a positive light. I am often asked when I travel to a foreign country, why does CNN hate America so much?

To put this into perspective, President Putin and President Xi are not attacked by the press every day. The state-run news media feeds glowing reports to their citizens. Of course, a free press, freely exercising their journalistic rights to criticize government, is a critical component of American constitutional free speech. But to rarely comment positively about America, and what we represent to the world in freedom and liberty, is contemptible.

The question now begs itself, not just what is America’s intent of purpose, but who supports and defends it?

One would be hard-pressed to find a vision for America reflecting our historical intent of purpose when looking at George Will’s list of Democratic presidential candidates’ proposed policies. Nor can it be found in Congress’ single emotional conviction to impeach the president. It is not advanced in the Republicans’ silence on the benefits of true conservative principles of fiscal responsibility. And, it cannot be discerned in listening to the endless attacks by the national press on the presidency.

Yet, given all this rhetoric of confusion about what America represents in the world today, a vision can be found in people seeking asylum in the United States in growing numbers. Nations seek our leadership. Think about this. No one seeks an alliance with Russia or China by their own volition.

So, the question still stands. What does America truly represent that is so much desired by rest of the world? And, who now stands in defense of it? It’s almost as if the principles of freedom and liberty are their own standard bearer in defiance of totalitarian governments and those who worship at their altars.

Click here to read the rest of Nuttle’s article and subscribe to the Nuttle Report. And if you agree with what you read today, be sure to share this article with your friends and on your social media!

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