
Political Commentator Doug Wead Explains Why Christians Have a Mandate to Get Involved Politically

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Steve Strang

Conservative commentator Doug Wead, an adviser to more than one president and the author of numerous books, has seen presidential administrations come and go. And as charismatics and evangelicals look ahead to the next four years, wondering what lies ahead, Wead says we have a reason to be concerned. But he also has a word of advice: We need to get involved politically before our freedoms disappear.

Wead says the good news is that Christians have survived throughout history even with the type of persecution and censure that seems to be rising in America. “Christians were used as flaming torches in Nero’s garden. I hope that’s not where it’s headed, but the church has survived.”

“And Christians survived in the Soviet Union,” Wead says. “The Russian Orthodox Church was compromised by the KGB; I imagine that sort of thing will happen. Some of your listeners may think that’s far-fetched, but I’ll give you an example.

“First, let me say, the heads of the Russian Orthodox Church we know today were members of the KGB,” Wead says. “And they were recruited by the KGB and empowered and the elections inside the church and the decisions inside the church were run by the KGB.”

Wead explains why he thinks that type of government control may lie ahead for the U.S., pointing to the continuing discussion about former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s emails. “You never hear anybody talk about what was in those emails,” Wead says. “What was so terrible about having access to Hillary Clinton’s emails if there was nothing bad in them?”

Wead adds, “There were some very incriminating emails; one of them was a discussion among staffers with Hillary Clinton, about how to co-opt the Catholic Church. What they wanted to do was create what they called … a Catholic Spring.

“You’ll remember the Arab Spring, when these countries—Egypt, Morocco and Libya—they threw off their dictators, and they threw off their leaders in an attempt to embrace democracy, although some of them became terrorist states in the process,” he explains. “But the idea was this Arab Spring was a breath of fresh air and new democratic reforms would sweep the Arab world.

“Well, in those emails, the Hillary Clinton campaign used the same terms, they referred to a Catholic Spring,” Wead says. “And that refers to the whole plan to infiltrate the Catholic Church and to empower people inside the Catholic Church, who had different views on origin and different views on these doctrines. … It’s one thing to hear these media people complain about church people becoming active in politics out there, the separation of church and state. But some of the political leaders were planning on getting active in the church, infiltrating the church, teaching its doctrine.”

Wead says that’s one place the current climate could lead us. And because of this, he says Christians must get involved politically and not take the freedoms we have for granted. “That’s the only thing that makes you different from somebody living in a dictatorship is you have the freedom to vote, the freedom to run for office, freedom to petition government, the freedom of speech, what you write in a book—those are the basic freedoms, some of which we’re talking about losing,” he says. “So as a good steward, you need to definitely be involved. If you go down with the ship, you know, you can’t control what happens. But you can control what you say and what you do. And you need to speak up.”

For more from Doug Wead on where the U.S. is headed and how Christians need to respond in this new era, listen to the entire episode of the Strang Report podcast here, share with others who need to know the truth, and be sure to subscribe to the Strang Report on Apple Podcasts and on the Charisma Podcast Network for more informative, inspiring stories. {eoa}

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