Sun. Mar 23rd, 2025
Cindy deVille

Cindy deVille
The Spirit of God was heavy on our 11-year-old daughter, Destiny, when she came to us and said,”Mom and Dad, God just spoke to me and told me to come and tell you something.” She really caught our attention because giving us words from the Lord is not something she normally does. She was trembling slightly, and we all felt the presence of God as she shared a vision she had had of a great harvest and told us what God had instructed her to say:

“Prepare your fields for rain, for I am coming!”

This was a very meaningful word to us not only because it was delivered through our precious daughter (fulfillment of Joel 2:28) but also because it reminded us of a prophecy we received two years ago that we titled “A Great Visitation.”

We believe God wants us to share “A Great Visitation” once again. Our hearts are stirred today as never before with a sense of urgency for the church to prepare, to make itself ready for this Great Visitation and the coming of His glory (see Is. 40:5).

God instructed us at the beginning of the year to wake up His church, to shake up His people. It is time for the church to awaken from complacency and slumber! It is time to prepare, just as this word says.

Remember, this Great Visitation—His glory—is not coming to entertain us or to make us feel good, but to transform us. It will be a time of great change in the church—a time to set His house in order; a time of great cleansing, purifying, unifying and making ready the bride of Christ to rise up and be glorious in the earth. It will be a season of being prepared for His great end-time work—to bring in the harvest of souls—as well as for His return.

Below is the prophecy “A Great Visitation” God gave us during a time of deep intercession for the church. We pray it brings encouragement and also a sense of urgency about what is coming as this new decade unfolds.

Prophecy: A Great Visitation

“There is coming a Great Visitation to the earth.
A Great Visitation by My Spirit.
A visitation such as the earth has not seen or heard.
I will move in unprecedented ways!
I will visit My house
I will visit the White House
I will visit your house, oh man of God!

“So prepare, oh man of God, prepare! Prepare everywhere, prepare.
For I will come with great power, and I will cleanse and I will purify this hour.

“I will separate the precious from the vile,
I will remove all things from My house that defile!
I will, I will, I will says the Spirit of God,
I will fulfill all My will in the earth, and in My church, all My plans shall succeed.
I will have a glorious church, and she will rise up and do great wonders in the earth!

“Man has made his plans, but it is My purposes and plans that shall prevail for I cannot fail!

“Tell Me, who can stop or stay My hand when I decide to move throughout this land?
There is no power, no force, no government, no man that can stand against My Spirit or My plans!

“So I am calling you, oh man of God!
Rise up, rise up and take your place. Rise up and seek My face.
It is a day of visitation so prepare, rise up and come to the Holy Place!
It’s time to cast aside every weight and sin that would hold you back and pen you in.
Remove every impure and unclean thing before your eyes;
The enemy has sent them for your destruction and demise.

“Arise, oh man of God, it is your day of visitation.
I am calling you to be holy as I, the Lord your God, am holy.
You must turn from and hate your sin,
Only then can I begin to commune with you again!

“Rise up out of your confusion and disgrace!
Rise up, oh man of God, and seek My face!
Rise up out of your slumber!
For the enemy of your souls, he knows, he knows, he knows his days are numbered.

“He has planted snares everywhere. With a violence and a vengeance he has unleashed
Strong spirits of seduction, delusion, and deception upon My church and My people—
Spirits to draw you away and to devour you as his prey.

“It is the day of visitation, so rise up, oh man of God, and draw your sword.
Wake up, it’s time for war! It’s time to fight for your life!
We are nearing the final round and now starts the countdown.
You must get up off the floor, you must get up and draw your sword!

“I am here, and there is a great cloud of witnesses cheering you on.
Don’t give in, don’t give up, we are so close to the end—so rise up, rise up, rise up!”

We encourage you personally and all the body of Christ to be ready and waiting, anticipating the great thing God is about to do! We close with a reminder of the word our daughter shared:

“Prepare your fields for rain, for I am coming!” Amen.

“The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken” (Is. 40:5 ).

About the author: Cindy deVille is the co-founder, with her husband, Darrel, of Shekinah Today Ministries ( She is a prophetic minister and intercessor who “has a strong desire to see the church return to her first love.” The deVilles publish an e-newsletter titled Today’s Prophetic Perspective, in which they share with the body of Christ what they believe God is showing and saying to them. They are currently launching the “Pray, America! Pray!” campaign, which is a national call to repentance and a compassionate cry for our nation to turn back to God so that we can help usher in a great visitation. To learn more about it, visit their Web site.

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