Wed. Feb 12th, 2025
(Adobe Stock)

Congressman Mike Johnson of Louisiana was born in 1972, one year before the Supreme Court’s infamous Roe v. Wade decision. But even though abortion was not legal at that time, his young, unmarried parents were pressured to end the pregnancy.

“I was the product of an unwanted teen pregnancy, and I am so eternally grateful that my mom and dad ignored all the people who told them to just ‘take care of the problem,’” Johnson told a crowd at the March for Life in Washington, D.C., last week.

“They chose to embrace life, and to have me, the first of their four children,” said Johnson, who is Speaker of the House of Representatives. “It’s a simple fact that if they had not done that, I would not be here. I often wonder who else we have missed and what those individuals would have contributed to our society, but they were not given the opportunity.”

Pro-life activists cheered when Johnson said those words. But half the country wasn’t listening. That’s too bad, since Johnson brought up a haunting question: Who has died in this quiet massacre of innocent unborn lives? Who would be recording songs, writing books, curing diseases or caring for the elderly if their lives had not been snuffed out? We will never know.

The National Right to Life organization says the number of abortions that have occurred in the United States since the Roe decision stands at 63,459,781 as of last week. That is slightly less that the entire population of the nation of France.

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One of the saddest reasons people choose abortion is to eliminate children with abnormalities, including autism. That’s why Catholic University student Jackson Russell attended the March for Life this year. A political science major who is autistic, Jackson said many mothers who learn that their unborn children have autism are more likely to abort.

“My people are being attacked; that’s why I’m out here,” Jackson told Catholic News Agency.

Meanwhile, politicians on the opposite side of this issue are claiming that pro-abortion laws are “good economics.” Leading this charge is Gretchen Whitmer, the governor of Michigan.

Whitmer defended the killing of the unborn last week during her State of the State address, claiming that pro-abortion laws are “just good economics.” She believes that if a state limits abortion, people view this as bigotry and then avoid those businesses. Whitmer said: “States with extreme laws are losing talent and investment, because you know what? Bigotry is bad for business.”

Whitmer’s logic defies reality. And the math doesn’t work, either.

Is it true that abortion helps the economy? After all, abortion defenders say, think of all the homeless people we wouldn’t have to feed. Imagine how much money we could save on social services. And if we reduce the world’s population, think of how that will help the environment! This is the mentality that controls many global organizations, including the World Economic Forum.

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The truth is that abortion is bad for any nation’s economy because it removes future earners from society. Dennis Howard, who leads a pro-life group called Movement for a Better America, says the United States has amassed a deficit of $62.6 trillion since Roe v. Wade wiped out so many millions of U.S. citizens. Another expert, Dr. Brian Clowes of Human Life International, estimates that our nation loses an estimated $3.7 million per abortion because of the lost consumption of goods and services as well as lost tax revenue over a lifetime.

What is most ironic is that a majority of the unborn children aborted each year are born to African-American mothers. While Blacks make up 13.7% of the population of the United States, Black women have the most abortions—38% of the total number.

That is partially because abortion was originally introduced to this country as a means to reduce the Black race. It is common knowledge that Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, and a pioneer of eugenics, was outspoken in her belief that abortion could eliminate the Black population.

Can you even begin to imagine who we lost in this diabolical racial experiment? How many Black children could have been born to become inventors, educators, judges, artists, business owners and wealth creators? Perhaps we already aborted the nation’s first Black man or woman to serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Let’s do the math. Let’s consider the cost of abortion. Pray that America will choose life.

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By J. Lee Grady

J. Lee Grady is an author, award-winning journalist and ordained minister. He served as a news writer and magazine editor for many years before launching into full-time ministry. Lee is the author of six books, including 10 Lies the Church Tells Women, 10 Lies Men Believe and Fearless Daughters of the Bible. His years at Charisma magazine also gave him a unique perspective of the Spirit-filled church and led him to write The Holy Spirit Is Not for Sale and Set My Heart on Fire, which is a Bible study on the work of the Holy Spirit.

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