T.D. Jakes

  • T.D. Jakes: The Church’s New Normal

    T.D. Jakes: The Church’s New Normal

    God is giving His people an extraordinary opportunity to multiply as never before Resounding in my ears as I write this column is a voice unmistakable. A tone indescribable. An equation of logic piercing the incredible. An intellect exploring the unreachable. An impartation of the revolutional and revelational. It is for “he who has ears

  • Church & Technology

    Church & Technology

    With the advent of the Internet, advanced telecommunications and satellite uplinks, technology has changed how we communicate. Most of us never would have imagined these developments would also impact how we worship. However, in recent decades, the church has entered a new era: technology. Traditionally the church brought the people to the message; now the

  • Clinging to the Past?

    by T.D. Jakes   The children become adults, their needs change, and they are gone. But the woman who nurtured them must always remember she is more than their last assignment. God has sustained you in this life because you are needed. Perhaps it is not a need that requires a clean bandage on an

  • No More Office Nightmares

    No More Office Nightmares

    Don't let unrealistic expectations turn your work into misery. God's purpose for you is a good one.Many believers I know desire to work for a ministry or Christian company someday. Their goal is to work in an environment with praise music playing, co-workers praying and Scripture verses beautifully calligraphied on wall plaques. They imagine such…

  • Finding the Father

    God doesn't need the body of Christ to be perfect to reveal Himself to those He has called.

  • T.D. Jakes: Press Toward Your Miracle

    T.D. Jakes: Press Toward Your Miracle

    Sometimes the odds appear insurmountable, but we are destined for wholeness when we touch God in our need.  This is a season in which God is saying some definite things to women about being set free and delivered to fulfill their purposes in His kingdom. I believe it is important for women to get healed

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