Steve Strang

  • What to Do on Your Worst Day

    Imagine going bankrupt, having your house burned down and discovering your family has been kidnapped by terrorists—all in one day. Wouldn't that be the worst day of your life? That's what happened to David around 1012 B.C., when he lived in the village of Ziklag (see 1 Sam. 30). The biblical account says that while…

  • Bomb Shelters for Israel

    Bomb Shelters for Israel

    This week I'm presenting an eyewitness account of the devastation in Southern Israel that is the result of the violence perpetrated against Israel by Hamas. The account is written by my good friend, Rabbi Aaron Rubinger. When the air-raid sirens go off in cities such as Sderot, the people have 20 seconds to get to…

  • Final Word

    Final Word

    What to Do on Your Worst Day Imagine going bankrupt, having your house burned down and discovering your family has been kidnapped by terrorists—all in one day. Wouldn’t that be the worst day of your life? That’s what happened to David around 1012 B.C., when he lived in the village of Ziklag (see 1 Sam.

  • ‘David After Dentist’– A Viral Phenomenon

    Technology is amazing, and I sometimes marvel at the way I can Google a subject and in seconds have thousands of possibilities. Initiating a Google search often takes less time than it does for me to open a Word document on my own computer. One of the most interesting aspects of technology is viral marketing.

  • Aid for the World

    Aid for the World

    Colin Powell is a great American hero who has served his country for more than 50 years as a soldier, as a four-star general in the United States Army, as Secretary of State, and in other ways. I had the privilege of hearing him speak at a grand gala banquet in New York City put…

  • My Friend Scott Plakon Wins a Battle for Life

    My Friend Scott Plakon Wins a Battle for Life

    Everyone, it seems, wants to make a difference. But Rep. Scott Plakon, who was elected recently to the Florida Legislature, has had an opportunity to affect the lives of thousands of unborn children. It's a story we were able to “break" in our Charisma News Online e-newsletter. You can read Steve Ghiringhelli's report below. I…

  • Expanding Our Reach Through the Internet

    This is a historic week in the life of our nation: We inaugurated the first African-American president. In doing so, we took a huge step forward in improving race relations and reaffirmed that the American dream is possible for all Americans. But we need to remember that although we're rejoicing in better race relations, that…

  • A Call to Christian Leaders to Speak Up to Our New President

    Next Tuesday, January 20, America will inaugurate Barack Obama, the first African-American president. That will be a historic day—one I’ll be glad I lived long enough to witness. But many who believe in biblical values are concerned that an Obama presidency will turn the nation sharply left. Some of my conservative Christian friends are so…

  • Eat Right in the New Year

    Eat Right in the New Year

    On Wednesday, January 7, I heard Dr. Don Colbert give a motivating speech about eating right to a group of booksellers at The Gathering 2009, a conference sponsored by Strang Communications' trade publication, Christian Retailing. He was promoting his newly released book titled Eat This and Live!, a beautiful four-color book that teaches readers what…

  • Eight People I Admired Most in 2008

    As we end this year I want to reflect on eight individuals—seven of whom I know personally—whom I greatly admire. These are the people who inspired me most in 2008:

  • Go Global This Christmas

    We need your help to make Charisma available to readers around the world.

  • Pray Until Something Happens

    America's current problems should drive us to our knees in prayer.

  • We Endorse John McCain

  • Terror-Free Investing

  • My Meeting With Obama

    Who would have thought one year ago that the election for president this year would be between John McCain and Barack Obama? During the primaries only Gov. Mike Huckabee seemed to reach out to the conservative Christian base, which was slow to support "one of our own"--a man who heartily agrees with the biblical positions…

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