Sarah Stegall

  • Chicken Soup for the…Nose?

    We’ve heard of chicken soup for the soul, but for the nose? It’s true, according to family doctor Don Colbert. “Chicken soup can help a cold or flu,” he writes in The Bible Cure for Colds, Flu and Sinus Infections. “Hot chicken soup will actually help increase the flow of mucus and help clear out

  • Chicken Soup for the…Nose?

    We’ve heard of chicken soup for the soul, but for the nose? It’s true, according to family doctor Don Colbert. “Chicken soup can help a cold or flu,” he writes in The Bible Cure for Colds, Flu and Sinus Infections. “Hot chicken soup will actually help increase the flow of mucus and help clear out

  • Eat Your Broccoli

    Why? It’s one of the most effective anti-cancer foods you can buy! Researchers at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine discovered that broccoli contains a natural compound that helps the body fight cancer by causing it to produce protective enzymes. These enzymes detoxify the carcinogens that could potentially lead to cell mutations. If you want

  • Eat Your Broccoli

    Why? It’s one of the most effective anti-cancer foods you can buy! Researchers at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine discovered that broccoli contains a natural compound that helps the body fight cancer by causing it to produce protective enzymes. These enzymes detoxify the carcinogens that could potentially lead to cell mutations. If you want

  • All or Nothing

    Reginald B. Cherry, M.D. claims that nutritional supplements can provide optimal health benefits “only if they consist of nutrients in their most complete, natural and bioavailable forms.” A case in point is vitamin E. Generally sold in its isolated, alphatocopherol form, vitamin E is actually a family of nutrients consisting of four tocopherols (alpha, beta,

  • All or Nothing

    Reginald B. Cherry, M.D. claims that nutritional supplements can provide optimal health benefits “only if they consist of nutrients in their most complete, natural and bioavailable forms.” A case in point is vitamin E. Generally sold in its isolated, alphatocopherol form, vitamin E is actually a family of nutrients consisting of four tocopherols (alpha, beta,

  • Natural Menopause Management

    According to Janet Macarro, Ph.D., CNC, in her book Midlife Meltdown (Siloam), it's time to start "rethinking midlife hormonal health."She encourages the use of the following natural supplements * to alleviate some of the symptoms brought on by menopause:Black cohosh capsules80-160 mg per dayAnxiety, hot flashes, night sweats, vaginaldryness, depression, heart palpitations, headaches, sleeplessness

  • Natural Menopause Management

    According to Janet Macarro, Ph.D., CNC, in her book Midlife Meltdown (Siloam), it's time to start "rethinking midlife hormonal health."She encourages the use of the following natural supplements * to alleviate some of the symptoms brought on by menopause:Black cohosh capsules80-160 mg per dayAnxiety, hot flashes, night sweats, vaginaldryness, depression, heart palpitations, headaches, sleeplessness

  • Low Bone Density Linked to Heart Disease

    On his Web site, Dr. Reginald B. Cherry cites a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology claiming an increase in the risk of heart disease for women with low bone density. Cherry says, "This study suggest that women who take steps early in life to keep their bones strong, or boost their bone…

  • Low Bone Density Linked to Heart Disease

    On his Web site, Dr. Reginald B. Cherry cites a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology claiming an increase in the risk of heart disease for women with low bone density. Cherry says, "This study suggest that women who take steps early in life to keep their bones strong, or boost their bone…

  • The Truth about Bird Flu

    Much has been reported about the potential for illness and death as the result of bird flu. But is it a true threat or just another case of the media capitalizing on our fears?Leslie Ann Dauphin, Ph.D., a microbiologist at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta and recent author of The Germ Handbook (Siloam),…

  • The Truth about Bird Flu

    Much has been reported about the potential for illness and death as the result of bird flu. But is it a true threat or just another case of the media capitalizing on our fears?Leslie Ann Dauphin, Ph.D., a microbiologist at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta and recent author of The Germ Handbook (Siloam),…

  • Approaching the Change

    Janet Maccaro, Ph.D., CNC, recommends the following steps for coping with symptoms of peri-menopause or menopause: 1. Manage your stress. Forgive past hurts and apologize to those you may have wronged in the past. Make sure to get enough sleep. Exercise daily. Eliminate sugar as much as possible. Fellowship daily.

  • Approaching the Change

    Janet Maccaro, Ph.D., CNC, recommends the following steps for coping with symptoms of peri-menopause or menopause: 1. Manage your stress. Forgive past hurts and apologize to those you may have wronged in the past. Make sure to get enough sleep. Exercise daily. Eliminate sugar as much as possible. Fellowship daily.

  • Get Up and Go!

    In her book Finally FIT!, Lorraine Bossé-Smith points out the benefits of keeping active. Exercise, she writes, will reduce stress, improve the quality of your sleep, give you more energy, maintain healthier muscles and joints, increase bone density, decrease blood pressure, reduce your chances of becoming depressed and make you feel better about yourself. So

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