The Quest for Glory

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Sarah Stegall

We were created in the image of God in order that we might respond to Him, fellowship with Him and reflect His love, glory and holiness. As carriers of the Spirit of God, we are to exemplify His nature in our interactions with other people. For this is how we bring glory to His name–by being filled to overflowing with His presence and allowing Him to be seen in us.

But how do we become fit vessels to contain the glory of God? Not surprisingly, God will be pleased to fill us with His glory when we humble our hearts to pray, worship Him and walk in obedience to His will.

READ: Ex. 40:34-38; 1 Kin. 8:1-11; Is. 6:1-13; Luke 2:8-20; Acts 7:54-60; Eph. 3:14-21.
HEART ISSUE: Perhaps you’ve observed your frailty and wondered how your life could be useful to God. What you may have observed as frailty is the brokenness that is absolutely necessary in order for God to fully inhabit your life.
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, teach us how to find favor in Your sight so that like Moses, we can ask You to show us Your glory. It is not only for ourselves that we ask but because we desire to reflect Your glory to the world. Do the work in us that is necessary to make us fit carriers of Your divine life. Amen.

Read a companion article.

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