Sara Whitten

  • Why You Need to Rest to Hear the Lord Speak to You

    Why You Need to Rest to Hear the Lord Speak to You

    We often think of resting as the opposite of being active. It’s no surprise that it’s one of the last things that comes to mind when we think of things we can “do” to sharpen our spiritual hearing. Rest, however, is a quiet but essential weapon in our spiritual warfare arsenal. When we are “reborn”

  • Prophet: What Does My Dream Mean?

    Prophet: What Does My Dream Mean?

    We all know that feeling — waking up gasping for breath and beaded with perspiration from an intense dream. We wonder, “Did that dream mean something? Was that from God? Am I being warned of something?” If I told you that every thought that pops into our heads isn’t always from God, most of you

  • Prophetic Word: April Is the Month of Recovery

    Prophetic Word: April Is the Month of Recovery

    As I was spending time with the Lord on a recent morning, I got an image of a boat with a rowing crew. Unsure of what the Lord was saying, I began to press into this word. There are phenomenal insights into what the Lord is doing in the Spirit this month that are direct

  • 5 Things God Would Never Say to You

    5 Things God Would Never Say to You

    If I told you I spent last weekend on the moon, you’d know I was lying. On the other hand, if I told you that last weekend I went to the movies, would you believe me? Ok, I didn’t go to the movies last weekend, but those subtle lies are so much trickier to spot.

  • Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Training Up Warriors on the Mountains’

    Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Training Up Warriors on the Mountains’

    Recently, God said, “I am training up warriors on the mountains.” As I began to look up mountain warfare in the natural, I realized that this was a word for the Seven Mountains of Influence (religion, family, education, government, media, arts and entertainment and business/finance). Mountain ranges, in the natural, have been highly desired for

  • In Heaven’s ‘Shark Tank,’ What Kind of Investor Are You?

    In Heaven’s ‘Shark Tank,’ What Kind of Investor Are You?

    At our last house we spent almost seven years not using an entire chunk of our yard, but not because we didn’t want to. It lay dormant because we didn’t even know it was ours to use. Long before we bought it, our neighbor had their fence enclosing part of our property. Until we went

  • Seven Ways to Activate Your Spiritual Immune System

    Seven Ways to Activate Your Spiritual Immune System

    The Lord said, “My body needs to remember it has a spiritual immune system — and use it!” As I began to look at how the Lord designed the physical body’s immune system, God began to reveal powerful, spiritual protocols for His body, the church, and how we can remember to activate our spiritual immune

  • Stop Fighting the Wrong Battles!

    Stop Fighting the Wrong Battles!

    I was in a world of my self-created darkness. Even the most everyday activities were slow and painful while recovering from my second C-section. Having hiked all over the NICU the previous week, my pain had me feeling helpless. My thoughts went from wondering if I could ever go through it again to wondering if

  • You Have Permission to Dream

    You Have Permission to Dream

    Without question, we are born with desires. Many of these emerge even as children. I used to shut myself in my room with my mother’s typewriter and craft handmade “books” as a six-year-old. Some kids love engineering masterpieces out of Legos. Other kids are naturally drawn to people and making friends. These God-given desires are

  • Make Your Timeline Match God’s Timing

    Make Your Timeline Match God’s Timing

    “Slide! Slide!” my two-year-old daughter squealed. As her uncoordinated feet climbed to the top, I waited below. Holding my hands out, I encouraged her to slide down. Her smile quickly dissolved into a furrowed brow of resilience as she shook her head “no.” She stood back up and toddled to the opposite side of the

  • Where is the Enemy Making Claims?

    Where is the Enemy Making Claims?

    God has been speaking the word “claim.” In true parable-style, I’ve watched God play out this word in life all around me. I was notified of a small sum that was owed to a deceased family member that was mine if I would just claim it. A good friend of ours found out the portion

  • Are You Missing a Healing?

    Are You Missing a Healing?

    For six months, I sat anxiously in doctor’s offices as tests continued to come back with red flags. More time would pass and more procedures were ordered. I prayed in faith for healing yet the process seemed to drag on endlessly. When I would seek the Lord, He kept reassuring me of how much He

  • God Says, “Hold On!”

    God Says, “Hold On!”

    As I was walking through our neighborhood on an evening walk the other night, I was seeking the Lord for guidance on this next season. The Lord told me, “Hold on.” Disappointed, I thought, I’ve just been through one waiting season after another and now I need to hold on? His response was, “You’re going

  • Year of the Whistle

    Year of the Whistle

    As I was worshipping at church last Sunday, the presence of the Lord felt heavy in the room. I felt the Lord whisper, “Blow! I am breathing now.” I pursed my lips and exhaled. To my shock, from somewhere else in the room came a loud whistle. For a moment, I even stopped to make

  • How Well Do You Know the Heart of God?

    How Well Do You Know the Heart of God?

    Imagine you receive a message from an unknown phone number. You know just from reading the message that it’s from your spouse (or insert someone who knows you very well instead). How do you know? What clues does that message hold that incline you to know it’s from that person? Inevitably, the unique heart of

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