Michelle McKinney-Hammond

  • Escape the Unforgiveness Prison

    by Michelle McKinney Hammond   In order to embrace the One who comes with healing arms to comfort us, we must first extricate ourselves from the offense. We will never forget the experience, but we must choose to understand (this does not mean justify) and forgive the one who has wronged us. If we allow

  • Find the Beauty of Godliness in You

    Find the Beauty of Godliness in You

    To a woman, whether single or married, what matters most is knowing her worth in the eyes of God. What do you think of yourself? How would you describe yourself to someone if you were being objective? Would you want to get to know you if you met yourself walking down the street? Well, it’s

  • Why We Need Sisters

    Why We Need Sisters

    Whether you call it connecting or bonding, women do it remarkably well. Certainly, this has been my experience. A recent shopping trip overwhelmingly confirmed my theory. “Oooh, that looks lovely on you. You should get it!” my admirer told me. It was 7:30 a.m., and my favorite store was having a knock-down, drag-out sale. Take

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