Mary Owen

  • A Letter From Heaven

    What started as a simple sermon illustration at a church in Canada has now become the most widespread example of chain mail in history.

  • Skating On The Edge

    Using the thrill of extreme sports, evangelist Luis Palau and actor Stephen Baldwin are reaching American teenagers with the gospel.

  • A Bridge to the Punk Crowd

    They're tattooed and pierced, and they keep ear plugs handy during worship. That's how they like it at The Bridge, a punk church in Oregon that is reaching the younger generation with loud music and God's love.As the sun breaks through gray clouds over Portland, Ore., a small group of people are gathered outside the…

  • Rattling Ears and Reaching Hearts

    Music, not message, reverberates through the Meow Meow in Portland, Ore., on Thursday through Saturday nights. The punk-rock club is the primary outreach of The Bridge, a church for the city’s street kids. “This is an all ages music venue in the same building as the church, but separate from it,” explains Angie Fadel, who

  • Oregon church says gold dust, feathers fell during meetings

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