Linda S. Mintle, Ph.D.

  • How Do I Learn to Like My Body?

    Too many women who are believers in Jesus Christ are still unable to walk in authority and dominion. Instead they are struggling with depression, identity issues and diminished self-esteem. God has predetermined that you and I are to be conformed to the image of His Son. We must receive our true identity from Christ.

  • How Do I Learn to Like My Body?

    Too many women who are believers in Jesus Christ are still unable to walk in authority and dominion. Instead they are struggling with depression, identity issues and diminished self-esteem. God has predetermined that you and I are to be conformed to the image of His Son. We must receive our true identity from Christ.

  • Believe God Loves You

    Many of us don’t know and understand the love God has for us, so it’s hard for us to be completely dependent on Him. First John 4:16 says, “And we have known and believed the love God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in

  • Overweight Kids and Media

    Overweight Kids and Media

    Take these steps to combat child obesity and curb appetites for unhealthy media consumption As a mother, I want the best for my kids. I will do just about anything to help them become the man or woman they were designed to be. However, in today’s crazy world of diets and excess, it’s no easy

  • Resist Lust’s Temptation

    Resist Lust’s Temptation

    Month after month, one particular article on my website receives an unusually high number of hits: “Overcoming Sexual Temptation.” Many Christians, such as the reader quoted below, find sexual temptation a difficult struggle and walk in constant condemnation. “I have failed God many times in the area of sexual lust. I find myself thinking about

  • Resist Lust’s Temptation

    Resist Lust’s Temptation

    Month after month, one particular article on my Web site receives an unusually high number of hits: “Overcoming Sexual Temptation.” Many Christians, such as the reader quoted below, find sexual temptation a difficult struggle and walk in constant condemnation. “I have failed God many times in the area of sexual lust. I find myself thinking

  • Antidote for Depression

    When we praise, we use a powerful weapon against the enemy.

  • Don’t Be Obessed!

    Many of us are too worried about our weight, our wrinkles, our thinning hair or our sagging chins. Move away from the mirror and make peace with your body.

  • Desperate Housewives…Desperately Wrong

    The characters on this popular TV show are no models for us. These dysfunctional women need a dose of spiritual reality!IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY in the neighborhood, but this isn't Mr. Roger's neighborhood. As the streetlights darken, the neighbors on Wisteria Lane settle into their perfect-looking houses with well-manicured lawns, but behind closed doors, life…

  • Friends With Benefits

    "Friends with benefits" flies in the face of the faith conviction that sex is reserved for marriage.

  • Lose It for Life

    Losing weight is a resolution you can keep, with God's help.

  • The Gay Marriage Debate

    If you oppose gay marriage, you are labeled prejudiced and discriminating.

  • Teen Gambling

    The prevalence of gambling has desensitized our kids to its consequences.

  • Are You Mad at Mom?

    Reconciling a mother-daughter relationship requires both parties' input.

  • Teens and Self-Injury

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