Joy F. Strang

  • Rely On God

    During the holidays my family traveled to London, England, for a vacation. The trip was an analogy of a much more important journey each of us is on--fulfilling God's plan for his or her life. For one thing, the preparation was longer than the journey itself. We prepared for months, checking flight times and prices…

  • Rest In The Storm

    My husband, Steve, and I own property that has an eagle's nest on it. One day after a spring storm we went out to check on the property and found that a third of the nest had been blown down. As I looked at the fallen pieces, it occurred to me that often when we…

  • Be Strong and Courageous

    At our annual Charisma Women's Conference this spring, God spoke a powerful word to the nearly 8,000 women who attended. He said that it is time for us as women to step forward and accept the authority He has given us. He reminded us that we are empowered and authorized by His Word to do…

  • To God, That’s Easy

    Evangelists Charles and Frances Hunter recently visited our office. After ministering at our noon prayer meeting, they offered to pray for anyone who needed healing. Frequently when the person requesting prayer listed his ills--no matter how serious they were--Frances delightedly exclaimed, "Oh, that's easy!" and then prayed a simple prayer in faith. She knew that…

  • New Eyes to See

    For years I prayed for a healing miracle for my eyes. From the time I was in junior high school I had worn corrective lenses for myopia (near-sightedness), but the condition had continued to worsen until my vision was no longer fully correctable. I could see, but not clearly. In 2000 I heard about a…

  • Reconciling Mary and Martha

    By nature, I am a doer--and I like projects, whether they are related to decorating my home; running Strang Communications, the business my husband and I started in 1981; or helping a person get his marriage or his finances on track. But a number of years ago I learned that the activity of a Martha…

  • Faith Over Fear

     The beginning of a new year is like a mile marker on the path of life--a checkpoint to show how far you've come. It's a good time to think about where you are on the road to destiny. When you were younger, what did you expect to have accomplished by this point? When you first…

  • How Do We Respond

  • Signs of a Heart That’s Far From God

    Signs of a Heart That’s Far From God

    The prodigal son didn’t end up among the pigs the day he left his father’s house; he went through a gradual process of decline (see Luke 15:11-15). So it is with us. If the enemy presented the end with the first temptation, it would be easy to resist! But usually the departure from grace is

  • What Will We Leave Them?

    For the sake of our children, it is time to disobey. Our society is increasingly criminalizing our right to stand up for what we believe. The media has encouraged the trend by making it vogue to be tolerant of every kind of perversion and by villainizing Christians who choose a biblical standard for their lives.…

  • When Transition Hurts

    When Transition Hurts

    Nothing in life is certain except death, taxes–and change. God never changes, but we do. Through sanctification we are transformed from sinful, carnal creatures into the image of God’s Son. Becoming like Jesus requires a lot of change–and often involves difficult periods of transition. Transition can take many forms. It can be like the transition

  • Time For A Revolution

    Recently Charisma magazine reported on a crusade in Nigeria that was hosted by German evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. During the six days of the crusade, a record number of people--3.4 million--made decisions to receive Christ. In a television interview not long after the crusade Bonnke said:"The tide is coming in! The immovable is now movable; the…

  • Preparing The Bride

    When a woman is planning to be married, she generally spends months preparing for the wedding ceremony. She shops for a wedding dress, chooses outfits for her attendants, orders flowers, addresses and mails out invitations, secures a location for the reception, engages a photographer and musicians, schedules a church and a clergyman, and does scores…

  • The Balanced Life

    I once heard a message in church on "the balanced life." The speaker made the point that we need to give equal time to each of the most significant areas of our lives so we don't get out of balance. I felt prompted to do a search on the word "balance" in my small computer…

  • Lord, Send Your Fire!

    Recently my husband, Steve, and I visited Argentina, where revival has been taking place for several years now. Over and over again we heard the same message proclaimed: God is pouring out His fire to purify and prepare a bride who is without spot or wrinkle. This message is based on the declaration John the…

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