Jane Hamon

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Taking My Church From Survival to Revival’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Taking My Church From Survival to Revival’

    We are living in a history-making hour on the earth. It is a time of great contending and yet a time of birthing revival, awakening and reformation! I heard the Lord say He is taking His church out of survival into revival. Isaiah 60:1-3 promises us that in times of great darkness in the earth,

  • Prophetic Vision: The Keys to Unlock Authority, the Heavens and God’s Favor

    Prophetic Vision: The Keys to Unlock Authority, the Heavens and God’s Favor

    I had a vision of Jesus presenting me with a key ring with three keys on it: one gold, one silver and one bronze (or dark/ancient-looking). He said, “Use these to go unlock the ‘more.'” As I waited, I heard Him say, “I want to unlock more in you so I can unlock more FOR

  • Jane Hamon Prophesies: This Is a Year of Intimacy With the Holy Spirit

    Jane Hamon Prophesies: This Is a Year of Intimacy With the Holy Spirit

    The Number 9 and a Year of Intimacy As you know, we’re in the year of 5779 on the Jewish calendar and in the year 2019 on the Roman calendar. Of course, we all use the Roman calendar here in America and in Western civilization, but both of these years end with the number 9.

  • These Weapons Are Sure to Send the Enemy Into Retreat

    These Weapons Are Sure to Send the Enemy Into Retreat

    For more than four decades, Christian International have been leaders pioneering the prophetic and apostolic. One key component in this movement is the “mantle to war.” We are warriors for the Lord. I want to share with you six weapons in this war mantle: 1. The weapon of prayer – World War II General George

  • God Still Uses Dreams to Speak to You, but There’s a Catch

    God Still Uses Dreams to Speak to You, but There’s a Catch

    I dreamed of four angels who presented themselves to me as “The Four Horsemen of Awakening.” Each angel identified the move of God’s Spirit he represented, and their arms were linked together indicating they were a solid, unified force to be reckoned with—the necessary team to bring nations into revival and awakening. Strangely, we were

  • Prophetic Dream: God Did It Before and He Will Do It Again

    Prophetic Dream: God Did It Before and He Will Do It Again

    On the morning of December 24, 2015 I dreamed for hours with God speaking the same thing to me over and over. He would say, “If you will show up, I will show off!” In the dream I saw different scriptural scenarios in which this occurred. Jesus showed up at the pool of Bethesda and

  • 2014 Is the Year of the Quantum Leap

    2014 Is the Year of the Quantum Leap

    At the beginning of this year, as I was seeking the Lord regarding the season we are in, I distinctly heard Him say this would be the “year of the quantum leap.” I had, of course, heard this term before, but I didn’t fully understand the meaning of it in regard to what God desires to do

  • Learn How to Hear God’s Voice

    Learn How to Hear God’s Voice

    Prophetic minister Jane Hamon explains how to hear the voice of God. Find out how to distinguish godly dreams and visions from counterfeit ones.   

  • Can God Speak Through Dreams?

    Can God Speak Through Dreams?

    During times of discouragement, if answers to prayer are long in coming or not what we had expected, we can begin to lose hope and even doubt that God will answer our prayers. To help us through, God sometimes encourages us by dreams or visions. He did this for me and my husband shortly after…

  • How God Speaks While You Sleep

    How God Speaks While You Sleep

    During times of discouragement, if answers to prayer are long in coming or not what we had expected, we can begin to lose hope and even doubt that God will answer our prayers. To help us through, God sometimes encourages us by dreams or visions. He did this for me and my husband shortly after

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