James W. Goll

  • 7 Powerful Benefits of Jesus’ Blood

    7 Powerful Benefits of Jesus’ Blood

    In the Scriptures, we find many benefits concerning what the blood of Jesus has done for us. We overcome the devil and his works when we testify to what Jesus’ blood has accomplished. We become like those believers who are already in heaven, having followed Him faithfully all the way: “They triumphed over him by

  • How You Can Flow in the River of Living Water

    How You Can Flow in the River of Living Water

    Read Time: 5 Minutes, 2 Seconds A river is a source of life. As it is in the natural, so it is in the spiritual. Jesus told His disciples that if we believe in Him, “rivers of living water” will flow out from within us, from our hearts. “Anyone who believes in me may come

  • James Goll: Can You Delay the Return of Jesus?

    James Goll: Can You Delay the Return of Jesus?

    The Day of His Appearing In the midst of all that is happening around the world today, are you and I able to accelerate the return of Jesus? Some would say we absolutely cannot hasten the return of the Lord because, in their theological take on the providence of God, everything is preordained. I believe

  • James Goll Prophesies: God Has a Dream for You

    James Goll Prophesies: God Has a Dream for You

    God has a dream for you. Do you ask God questions at night? I often do (and I encourage you to do this too). Recently, I was going to sleep, and I prayed: God, do you have a dream? If You have a dream, would You like to share Your dream with me? And if

  • Prophet: Learning to Listen With Discernment

    Prophet: Learning to Listen With Discernment

    Learning to listen with discernment means that you begin to recognize the voice of God so well that other voices sound unfamiliar. In John 10:5a, Jesus told his followers, “Yet they will never follow a stranger.” This statement needs to become a reality in your life. It takes practice and requires that you learn well

  • Prophet: It’s Time to Dust Off Your Dreams

    Prophet: It’s Time to Dust Off Your Dreams

    It’s time to dust off your dreams! Even if you’ve lived through some disappointments or disillusionment related to the dreams of your heart, I want you to know this: It is better to risk and have a life filled with some hope versus being someone who has no dreams fulfilled at all. So roll the

  • James Goll: The Unlimited Power of Prophetic Intercession

    James Goll: The Unlimited Power of Prophetic Intercession

    While the term is not found anywhere in the pages of Scripture, “prophetic intercession” is powerful because it allows you to lean into the heart of God and then pray His heart back to Him in accordance with His will. Finding Words for Scriptural Principles As far as I know, airplanes are not in the

  • Prophet: Why We Must Catch the Mordecai Anointing

    Prophet: Why We Must Catch the Mordecai Anointing

    The dark spirit of antisemitism—or what may be called “the spirit of Haman,” named after the man in the book of Esther who plotted to exterminate the Jewish people in the days of King Artaxerxes—is on the move across the world today. We Christians have a dangerous tendency to consider biblical narratives such as the

  • 5 Prophetic Insights for 2022: A Time Like No Other

    5 Prophetic Insights for 2022: A Time Like No Other

    As I have prayed into this coming year, the Lord has given me five prophetic words (or insights) for 2022. I reference this as a “A Time Like No Other.” Isn’t that ever the truth! Here are the revelations the Holy Spirit has shared with me concerning 2022 and beyond. 1. When It’s Harvest Time

  • Prophet: Filling Every Clay Pot With God’s Glory

    Prophet: Filling Every Clay Pot With God’s Glory

    Some years ago, I was teaching from Habakkuk 2:14 that the glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the seas. The topic, to a certain degree, was theoretical. Then the Holy Spirit asked me, “How will that happen?” Not knowing the answer, I said back to Him, “Oh, how will

  • Prophetic Vision: Worship God in the Hallway

    Prophetic Vision: Worship God in the Hallway

    Recently I had a profound prophetic vision in which the Holy Spirit spoke to me, “Worship God while waiting in the hallway!” Before I give you more details about this vision, allow me to give a little background. Have you ever wondered where in the Bible the word “worship” is first mentioned? We probably think

  • Prophet: Turn the Tables on the Enemy With This Bold Spiritual Action

    Prophet: Turn the Tables on the Enemy With This Bold Spiritual Action

    A battle is being waged in society. It is one that affects every life, whether we are aware of it or not. It is a battle of fear versus faith. Who controls the new cycle? There is a vomiting forth of news based on distorted information that is forced upon us on a daily basis.

  • Prophetic Dream: God’s Lightning Bolts of Glory

    Prophetic Dream: God’s Lightning Bolts of Glory

    I awoke suddenly out of a vibrant prophetic dream that was filled with lightning. (Although this happened years ago, I remember it as if it were yesterday.) One lightning bolt after another exploded before my eyes—continual, splintering, powerful lightning bolts from heaven to earth. No people. No words. Just incessant light, action, sound. When I

  • Warning Dream: Do Not Be Ignorant of the Devil’s Schemes

    Warning Dream: Do Not Be Ignorant of the Devil’s Schemes

    Recently, I was given a stark dream in which I was given instruction in the wisdom ways of God for the purposes of prayer and to forewarn us so we do not get caught up in the enemy’s schemes. Paul, the apostle, stated that we are not to be ignorant of the devil’s schemes. In

  • Prophet: Allow the Holy Spirit to Do a House Inspection in Your Soul

    Prophet: Allow the Holy Spirit to Do a House Inspection in Your Soul

    The way of the Cross leads home and through Jesus, we each have a personal place of belonging. Our identity is not found in our giftedness but by being rooted and grounded in Christ Jesus. We need to keep the main and plain truths of the gospel central in each of our lives. As sensitive,

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