Cindy Jacobs

  • Cindy Jacobs Invites You to Hear From the Most Powerful Prophets From Around the Globe

    Cindy Jacobs Invites You to Hear From the Most Powerful Prophets From Around the Globe

    In just shy of a month, some of today’s most well-known prophets will gather in the Dallas, Texas, area to cry out to the Lord and discern what He’s saying for the upcoming season with the Global Prophetic Summit. Cindy Jacobs spoke with Charisma about the life-changing summit, which will include prophetic voices like Bill

  • Cindy Jacobs on Kavanaugh Hearings: The Strongman of Molech Is Loosing Its Grip on America

    Cindy Jacobs on Kavanaugh Hearings: The Strongman of Molech Is Loosing Its Grip on America

    Editor’s note: A handful of accusers say Brett Kavanaugh assaulted them decades ago. The media is in an uproar. What is the truth? Charisma News reached out to several key charismatic figures, including Cindy Jacobs, to give us spiritual insight into the Kavanaugh hearings and the warfare behind them. As believers, we always focus on

  • Cindy Jacobs: Retirees, Listen! The Lord Says, ‘This Is a Higher Season’

    Cindy Jacobs: Retirees, Listen! The Lord Says, ‘This Is a Higher Season’

    Hello! As I have been seeking the Lord for a word to encourage your heart, this is what I received: this is a higher season. There is such an anointing on those words: “a higher season.” Many people reach a place in their lives where they get stagnant. But the Lord would say to you,

  • Cindy Jacobs: The Lord Says He Wants to Accelerate You to a New Thing

    Cindy Jacobs: The Lord Says He Wants to Accelerate You to a New Thing

    Hello! As I have been seeking the Lord for a word to encourage your heart, this is what I received: this is a higher season. There is such an anointing on those words: “a higher season.” Many people reach a place in their lives where they get stagnant. But the Lord would say to you,

  • Cindy Jacobs: The Lord Says This Is a Time of Restitution

    Cindy Jacobs: The Lord Says This Is a Time of Restitution

    Restitution. I keep hearing this word. Satan has stolen so many things from the body of Christ, but often, we just let it go. We let it slide. But the Lord says, “There is a law of restitution biblically that you should be given back what Satan has stolen.” We know the Bible speaks about

  • Cindy Jacobs Prophesies: We’re in a Season of Crucible

    Cindy Jacobs Prophesies: We’re in a Season of Crucible

    Many of you have been feeling like you are in a pressure cooker, a crucible. The Lord would say to you, “My child, you are going to come out of this as pure gold, for this is a season of refining. This is a season where I am asking people, ‘Would you choose the difficult

  • Prophecy by Cindy Jacobs: There’s Going to Be Convergence

    Prophecy by Cindy Jacobs: There’s Going to Be Convergence

    As I was praying about what to share with you, the Holy Spirit began to speak to me about one word, and that word is “convergence”. The Lord would say, “There’s going to be a convergence of dreams, a convergence of promises, a convergence of prophetic words.” I see the Holy Spirit bringing together many

  • Cindy Jacobs: This Is a Season of Blessing

    Cindy Jacobs: This Is a Season of Blessing

    For the Lord would say that you are in a season. “I see some of you are in this season where you look around, and you feel like so many things have been robbed from you. And there has been a robbing spirit”—that’s what I hear the name is, a ‘robbing spirit’—”to come and take

  • Cindy Jacobs Prophesies a Season of Acceleration

    Cindy Jacobs Prophesies a Season of Acceleration

    Many of you feel like you have so many dreams, but they’re stuck. But the Lord would say, “I am in a season where I’m bringing suddenlies to pass. I’m in a season of acceleration.” And you would say, “But, Lord, I don’t feel the acceleration.” The Lord would say to you, “Trust Me in

  • Cindy Jacobs: Don’t Let Satan Rob Your Joy—God Is About to Open Doors

    Cindy Jacobs: Don’t Let Satan Rob Your Joy—God Is About to Open Doors

    The Lord is saying to me that there’s some of you who have pressed and pressed to see the doors open for you, but it just seems like they just won’t get open. I feel from the Lord to tell you, don’t be discouraged. God is going to open doors for you that no man

  • Cindy Jacobs: Open the Door and Receive the Lord’s Victory

    Cindy Jacobs: Open the Door and Receive the Lord’s Victory

    “Surely the Lord God does nothing without revealing His purpose to His servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7). Well, the Lord would say, “I have loosed a new prophetic mantle on the body of Christ, and it won’t just be one, but it’s going to be many. And while many will not be prophets, many will

  • Cindy Jacobs: What God Is Saying for 2018

    Cindy Jacobs: What God Is Saying for 2018

    I hope you all had a wonderful, happy New Year’s Day. This is the season where we like to share with you what God has been saying for 2018, and I’m very excited about this year. What I have with me is a compilation of some words that came from the Apostolic Council of Prophetic

  • Cindy Jacobs Prophesies: ‘Your Suddenly Is Coming’

    Cindy Jacobs Prophesies: ‘Your Suddenly Is Coming’

    The Lord would say, “I have such a love for you my child, that I would move heaven and earth for you.” And the Lord says, “I know you’re going through trials. I know you’re going through seasons where you don’t know what to do. So I would say, ‘Children, if you trust Me, I

  • Cindy Jacobs Prophesies: The Lord Says He’s Coming With a Wave of Glory

    Cindy Jacobs Prophesies: The Lord Says He’s Coming With a Wave of Glory

    The Lord says, “I’m coming with a wave of my glory.” What does that mean? That many people that feel dry—you feel like you’re almost going through the motions, with your life, with the Lord; it doesn’t feel fresh and new to you. This is what is happening: There is a move of the Holy

  • Cindy Jacobs: This Will Be a Watershed Moment for the Prophetic Movement Worldwide

    Cindy Jacobs: This Will Be a Watershed Moment for the Prophetic Movement Worldwide

    When I first wrote my book, The Voice of God in 1998, there were only a few books in print that could be considered a teaching guide for emerging prophets. John and Paula Sandford had written their cutting-edge one, The Elijah Task, and Bishop Bill Hamon came out with his Prophets and Personal Prophecy in 1987.

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