Cindy Jacobs

  • Cindy Jacobs Issues Urgent Call to Uphold Prophetic Reformation Manifesto

    Cindy Jacobs Issues Urgent Call to Uphold Prophetic Reformation Manifesto

    “On Oct. 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenburg, Germany, beginning what would become known as the Protestant Reformation. Ironically, these ‘Theses’ were not an attack on the Church as much as a reintroduction of what true repentance really meant and a call to return to

  • Cindy Jacobs: The Lord Says to Stop Sleeping and Start Speaking to Your Mountain!

    Cindy Jacobs: The Lord Says to Stop Sleeping and Start Speaking to Your Mountain!

    And the Lord would say, “There are many that have not been releasing My words over your situations. You are complaining, you are fretting, you’re not sleeping, but I would say to you, if you would take My Word and begin to speak what My Word says, you will find that the impossible becomes possible.

  • Cindy Jacobs: Rise Up as Angels War on Your Behalf

    Cindy Jacobs: Rise Up as Angels War on Your Behalf

    As I was meditating on what to give for the Word of the Lord, it’s very interesting what the Lord spoke to me, and he said, “Angels.” And I have just done a teaching on angels, but this is what the Lord showed me—that there is a lot of angelic activity right now, especially around

  • Cindy Jacobs: The Lord Is Calling You to Rise Up Against the Demon of Chaos

    Cindy Jacobs: The Lord Is Calling You to Rise Up Against the Demon of Chaos

    For the Lord would say that Satan is trying to bring chaos into your life, and when chaos comes, it destroys. It destroys relationships; it destroys feelings; it destroys your body. And the Lord would say, “You need to understand and go back to those first things about understanding, that you don’t wrestle against flesh

  • Cindy Jacobs: The Lord Wants to Break the Spirit of Weariness in Your Life

    Cindy Jacobs: The Lord Wants to Break the Spirit of Weariness in Your Life

    I awakened the other morning with a Spanish word that I wasn’t quite sure what it meant, “basta.” It means enough, fed up, I’ve had all I’m going to take. I felt from the Holy Spirit, as I was praying, that there was this spirit of weariness that is coming on people. It’s actually demonic.

  • Cindy Jacobs’ Vision: The Lord Is Removing the Spirit of Delay in Your Way

    Cindy Jacobs’ Vision: The Lord Is Removing the Spirit of Delay in Your Way

    As I was praying, I saw this vision, and it was of roadblocks. It’s like everywhere you went, there were these blockages. You could not get through. And I see the Lord saying there is a spirit of delay. Now that’s an unusual thing, but that’s what I’m getting. There is a spirit of delay

  • Cindy Jacobs: ‘It’s Time for You to Advance’

    Cindy Jacobs: ‘It’s Time for You to Advance’

    This morning as I was praying and thinking about what you’re going through, the Lord showed me a vision. I saw that you are trying to move forward, but you’re getting so much pushback that it’s very difficult for you to get up in the morning and move forward. And this is what the Lord

  • Cindy Jacobs: It’s Time to Bind the Python Spirit Choking You With Depression

    Cindy Jacobs: It’s Time to Bind the Python Spirit Choking You With Depression

    As I was praying on what word to share with you, I had a vision, and this was the vision. I saw someone taking and .. squeezing your head and squeezing your throat and just trying to shut you down. And it’s very interesting because I thought, “Oh my goodness, what is it?” And I

  • Cindy Jacobs Urges Christians to Pray These 3 Points for Judge Neil Gorsuch

    Cindy Jacobs Urges Christians to Pray These 3 Points for Judge Neil Gorsuch

    The battle over the next Supreme Court Justice has only begun with threats to delay the process and attempts to stop it already underway. Republican leadership hope to finalize the confirmation by Friday, April 7. A Supreme Court nominee has never faced the type of political maneuvering Judge Neil Gorsuch will face this week. It

  • Cindy Jacobs: ‘I Had a Vision of a Swamp Being Drained’

    Cindy Jacobs: ‘I Had a Vision of a Swamp Being Drained’

    As I was praying for the nation today, I had a vision of a swamp being drained. However, as it was emptying, there were a number of “swamp creatures” that became visible. There were alligators and poisonous snakes, among others. Suddenly, a big war began over the remaining “swamp water.” The creatures began to turn on

  • Cindy Jacobs Prophesies Blazing Isaiah 60 Movement in Body of Christ

    Cindy Jacobs Prophesies Blazing Isaiah 60 Movement in Body of Christ

    I’ve been meditating on Isaiah 60:1-2 (JUB) and you know what it says: “First one to rise, shine for you light,” and this is the voice broken through.  “The eternal brilliance has dawned upon you. See truly, look carefully, darkness blankets the earth, people all over are cloaked in darkness, but God will rise and

  • Cindy Jacobs: The Lord Says, ‘It’s Time for a Renewal of the Holy Spirit’

    Cindy Jacobs: The Lord Says, ‘It’s Time for a Renewal of the Holy Spirit’

    Inside us is the Holy Spirit, and if we will let Him rise up, He can break any yoke, anything that’s coming against us. We just have to learn to rise up in our spirit, and how do we do that? Well, we do it through quoting the Word, just quoting the Scripture. The Word of

  • Cindy Jacobs Recommends Praying These Powerful Scriptures Every Day

    Cindy Jacobs Recommends Praying These Powerful Scriptures Every Day

    As a prophetic intercessor, my regular prayer time usually involves listening to the Holy Spirit and praying what is on His agenda moment by moment; however, there are a few things I’ve chosen to pray for every single day. I start my mornings with them and often return to them again before I close my

  • Cindy Jacobs: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Truly Releasing a Reformation Into the United States’

    Cindy Jacobs: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Truly Releasing a Reformation Into the United States’

    This is a prophetic word by Cindy Jacobs about the Lord’s peace: For the Lord would say, “We are entering into a new season, and do not let the tumult of the season deter you from the path I have called you.” The Lord says, “Don’t let fear get in your heart, for I am truly

  • 2017: Year of the Breakthrough

    2017: Year of the Breakthrough

    Happy New Year! Since 1999, the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders has gathered some of the most respected prophetic voices from around the nation to pray and seek the Lord for a word for the next year. It is our conviction that we are to function as an Acts 13:1-3 group. This passage notes that

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