Cindy Jacobs

  • Cindy Jacobs Issues Urgent Prayer Call for Religious Freedom in America

    Cindy Jacobs Issues Urgent Prayer Call for Religious Freedom in America

    “You, brothers, have been called to liberty. Only do not use liberty to give an opportunity to the flesh, but by love serve one another” (Gal. 5:13). I can remember a time in America where God was honored in everything we did. We honored Him in schools when we asked His blessing on our day

  • Cindy Jacobs: ‘The Lord Says There’s Going to be Warfare’

    Cindy Jacobs: ‘The Lord Says There’s Going to be Warfare’

    The Lord says, “In this new season of crossing over, there’s going to be warfare.” Just as when the Israelites crossed over the Jordan and had to take the city of Jericho and had to face the giants, you are facing some giants. These giants aren’t pleasant—we don’t like to face giants—but know this, you

  • Cindy Jacobs Issues Urgent Prophetic Prayer Alert for Middle East

    Cindy Jacobs Issues Urgent Prophetic Prayer Alert for Middle East

    In the beginning of July, I sent out a word that I was very concerned the situation in Iran could potentially escalate into a third world war—or at least a Middle Eastern regional war—which we and our allies could get pulled into. Some of you know what happened recently in Saudi Arabia, with the oil

  • Cindy Jacobs Prophesies: ‘This Is the Time When I Will Elevate You’

    Cindy Jacobs Prophesies: ‘This Is the Time When I Will Elevate You’

    As I was praying about a word of encouragement for you, this is the word I got: “elevation.” And I’m going to pray into that. For the Lord says that some of you feel like you are stuck. Or you are feeling like, “Where is God in my life right now?” And the Lord says,

  • Prophetic Word: ‘It’s Time to Take a Risk’

    Prophetic Word: ‘It’s Time to Take a Risk’

    I was praying for my friends and people in the body of Christ, and the Lord quickly gave me this word: It’s time to take a risk. The Holy Spirit says that there are many occasions that you have in your life where you are playing it safe. Sometimes it is good to play it

  • Cindy Jacobs Prophesies: You’re a Winner!

    Cindy Jacobs Prophesies: You’re a Winner!

    I was praying and asking the Lord what word He wanted to give to encourage you. So many discouraging things come at us, we need some encouragement. And this is what I hear: You are a winner. You’re not a loser. And the Lord would say, “So many things have beat against you that it’s

  • Cindy Jacobs Prophesies: It’s Time for Joyful Increase

    Cindy Jacobs Prophesies: It’s Time for Joyful Increase

    For the Lord would say, “In this year of joyful increase, not only do I want to increase your joy, but I also want to increase your finances. I want to increase your health, the many days of health. I want to increase your faith. I want to increase your levels of encouragement for others.”

  • Cindy Jacobs: Holy Spirit Says, ‘Don’t Stop Dreaming’

    Cindy Jacobs: Holy Spirit Says, ‘Don’t Stop Dreaming’

    The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “Many of My people feel they are stuck, like nothing’s going on in their life, nothing’s going right, it’s not going the way they want.” And the Lord just says to you, “I am working behind the scenes, even as I worked with Abraham and Sarah. I

  • Cindy Jacobs: We’re in an Age of Issachar Anointing

    Cindy Jacobs: We’re in an Age of Issachar Anointing

    I’ve been feeling an urge to share with you that we are in a season that is like the age of Issachar. Issachar was a tribe that suddenly left the camp of Saul, and they came to the camp of David. The Lord says, “I am releasing an Issachar anointing, so you will know what

  • Cindy Jacobs’ Vision: ‘I Saw a Huge Wave of Holy Spirit’s Power’

    Cindy Jacobs’ Vision: ‘I Saw a Huge Wave of Holy Spirit’s Power’

    As I was praying, I saw a vision of a huge wave, and the Lord spoke to me that there is a momentum gathering of the power of the Holy Spirit. A wave gathers power and goes towards the shore, and I see that there’s going to be many, many people working together. There’s going

  • Cindy Jacobs: Don’t Let Spirit of Delay Stop Your Dreams

    Cindy Jacobs: Don’t Let Spirit of Delay Stop Your Dreams

    The Lord says, “My children, didn’t I tell you not to let your dreams die? Some of you are stuck because you have just said, ‘Well, that dream is gone.’ Didn’t I say there was a convergence of dreams? Didn’t I say that there were prayers that you have prayed that are all coming together?”

  • Cindy Jacobs Prophesies About 2019: Year of Acceleration, Transition

    Cindy Jacobs Prophesies About 2019: Year of Acceleration, Transition

    I want to share with you what God has been saying for 2019, and I’m very excited about everything ahead. This is a compilation of words sent to us from the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders and many of the well-known prophets from 65 nations during the Global Prophetic Summit. As I was looking through

  • Cindy Jacobs Prophesies: ‘I Am Anointing My People to Be Risk-Takers’

    Cindy Jacobs Prophesies: ‘I Am Anointing My People to Be Risk-Takers’

    The Lord has been talking to us for a while about this concept of extreme acceleration and “suddenlies.” I hear Him saying again, “Prepare for the time of acceleration.” The Lord says, “For many people, I bring a visitation of acceleration, but they are not ready to do what I have called them to do.

  • Cindy Jacobs: The Lord Says You Will Enter a New Season of Joy, Merriment

    Cindy Jacobs: The Lord Says You Will Enter a New Season of Joy, Merriment

    I am so excited to share the word God gave me for you. As I was praying, He spoke two things to me: joy and merriment. Merriment isn’t a word we use much in contemporary English, but in older English, it referred to a jousting tournament or something that would be corporate and festive in

  • Cindy Jacobs: The Lord Told Me This Is a Season of Suddenlies

    Cindy Jacobs: The Lord Told Me This Is a Season of Suddenlies

    The Lord has been giving me a great word, and many other prophets have received something similar: this is a time of acceleration, and this is a season of “suddenlies.” The Lord is saying, “Not only is it a time of acceleration, but I am taking you to a season of extreme acceleration. It is

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