Cindy Jacobs

  • Intercessors Issue Prayer Alert After Texas Fertilizer Blast

    Intercessors Issue Prayer Alert After Texas Fertilizer Blast

    Millions across the nation have woken up this morning to headlines featuring a tragic accident that occurred in West, Texas, a small town of 2,600 about 20 miles north of Waco. Yesterday evening, around 6 p.m. Central time, local firefighters responded to a call at the West Fertilizer Co. plant. Soon after, a massive explosion

  • Cindy Jacobs Offers Prayer Points After Boston Marathon Bombing

    Cindy Jacobs Offers Prayer Points After Boston Marathon Bombing

    Bomb blasts rocked the city of Boston Monday afternoon during the Boston Marathon, killing two people and injuring more than 140. The first explosion took place at approximately 2:50 p.m. near the finish line of the marathon as runners were finishing the race. The second explosion occurred approximately 15 seconds after the first, at a

  • Cindy Jacobs Offers Prayer Points After Boston Marathon Bombing

    Cindy Jacobs Offers Prayer Points After Boston Marathon Bombing

    Bomb blasts rocked the city of Boston Monday afternoon during the Boston Marathon, killing two people and injuring more than 140. The first explosion took place at approximately 2:50 p.m. near the finish line of the marathon as runners were finishing the race. The second explosion occurred approximately 15 seconds after the first, at a

  • Women and Prophetic Ministry

    Women and Prophetic Ministry

    In 1955 a little 4-year-old girl crept up into her mother's lap. "Mama," she said, "I want a baby sister."The young mother smiled, amused by the child's request. "Sweetheart," she chuckled, "we're not having any more children. You're the last one."But the 4-year-old was insistent. She just knew Mama was going to have a baby…

  • A Prophetic Call to Pray

    A Prophetic Call to Pray

    Like many other intercessors, Cindy Jacobs, co-founder of Generals International, was at TheCall Detroit last weekend. As the solemn assembly gathered, Jacobs released a prophetic word for the United States and Israel. Here is what the Holy Spirit spoke to Jacobs on 11-11-11:For the Lord says the United States is fast approaching her "tipping point."…

  • Igniting a Righteous Revolution

    Igniting a Righteous Revolution

    God is looking for women who are willing to fight to restore the biblical foundations in our country. Are you ready to answer the call?When I was a child, one of my favorite parts of the school day was when my teacher would open her big black Bible and read us a Scripture verse. After…

  • Does God Have a Plan for America?

    Does God Have a Plan for America?

    Anyone who reads the paper, listens to the news, watches television or goes to the movies regularly can't help but be aware of the rising tide of anti-Christian sentiment in America. It is apparent in almost every aspect of our culture, including our educational system.Negative views of Christians and Christianity are particularly blatant in the…

  • God’s Plan for America

    God’s Plan for America

    ALTHOUGH ANTI-CHRISTIAN SENTIMENT IS INCREASING, GOD HAS NOT FORGOTTEN US. BUT OUR NATION MUST ALTER ITS COURSE IF WE ARE TO FULFILL OUR DIVINE PURPOSE.Anyone who reads the paper, listens to the news, watches television or goes to the movies with regularity can't help but be aware of the rising tide of anti-Christian sentiment in…

  • Regional Conflict Could Spark World War III

    Regional Conflict Could Spark World War III

    Many people have been asking me to update them regarding current events on several issues for which we have previously sent out alerts; notably, Egypt, a possible World War III, and Japan. In addition, there have been a number of prophetic words that seem to indicate that there is a very real threat of an…

  • A Perspective on the Japan Earthquake

    A Perspective on the Japan Earthquake

    As one looks across the face of the earth today, it doesn't take a large amount of spiritual discernment to see that things are shaking as has been prophesied over the past few years. Many voices, including mine, have spoken over what is known as the Rim of Fire nations, or the Pacific Rim. These…

  • Shaking Begins, Winds Are Blowing in Japan

    Shaking Begins, Winds Are Blowing in Japan

    As one looks across the face of the earth today, it doesn't take much spiritual discernment to see that things are shaking as has been prophesied over the past few years. Many voices, including myself, have spoke over what is known as the "Rim of Fire" nations, or the Pacific Rim. These are the approximately…

  • Cindy Jacobs Makes Urgent Prayer Call for Egypt

    Cindy Jacobs Makes Urgent Prayer Call for Egypt

    This is a follow up report to the urgent prayer requests that we made for Egypt. I have been receiving numerous reports from our friends and prayer generals in the Arabic speaking world. It is hard at times to thread what we seen through the lens of truth–only the Holy Spirit can help us to…

  • A Call to Prayer for the Middle East

    A Call to Prayer for the Middle East

    Like you, I am greatly distressed about the situation in the Middle East. Below is a word to the Christians in the Middle East and the worldwide church, along with a prayer guide for Egypt and the Middle East. There are certain things that I have not written to all, but I believe that the…

  • Is There a Rebel in Your House?

    Is There a Rebel in Your House?

    I raised a strong-willed child—and survived. Here are some tips from a mom who lived through the teenage years.There are few situations that grieve a parent more than having to deal with a rebellious child. In my travels around the world, I’ve met many heartbroken parents who have shared with me the depths of their…

  • Children Can Know God’s Voice

    Watching a child's spiritual development is rewarding. Here's what you should know if your youngster displays a prophetic gift.Do you have a prophetic child? I empathize! My two grown children, Mary and Daniel, both began exhibiting their prophetic gifts at an early age. I know from firsthand experience that raising a prophetic child can be…

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