Cindy Jacobs

  • The Winds of Pentecost

    The Winds of Pentecost

    On December 31, 2009, the Holy Spirit spoke through me and said: "I'm going to shake the earth. You will begin to see earthquakes—I am going to shake everything that can be shaken. Look where the earthquakes are hitting because God is going to release a wind of Pentecost in those places."Since that time we…

  • A Wave of God’s Glory Is Coming!

    A Wave of God’s Glory Is Coming!

    Last Friday night, February 26th, my husband, Mike, and I had an unusual night. We weren't speaking at a conference, traveling or busy, so we stayed home and watched the movie Robinson Crusoe. The next morning we watched in shock and distress as news reached us that an 8.8 magnitude earthquake had shaken Chile during…

  • ACPE Word of the Lord for 2010

    ACPE Word of the Lord for 2010

    This is the word given through a compilation of the prophetic releases and consensus of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE). There are differing variables that can affect the timing and/or coming to pass of these words:1. All prophecy not contained in Scripture is conditional.2. A prophecy may take longer than one calendar year…

  • Women and the Prophetic Ministry

    In 1955 a little 4-year-old girl crept up into her mother's lap. "Mama," she said, "I want a baby sister." The young mother smiled, amused by the child's request. "Sweetheart," she chuckled, "we're not having any more children. You're the last one." But the 4-year-old was insistent. She just knew Mama was going to have…

  • Calling the Prodigals Home

    Calling the Prodigals Home

    As I’ve traveled around the world, I’ve noticed the same battle taking place everywhere: Satan is warring against the saints, and he’s doing it through their children. Leaders’ children, in particular, seem to be under heavy attack. And those young people who have the highest callings on their lives are the ones the enemy is

  • Pressing into the New

    Pressing into the New

    Editor's Note: In the message below, prophetic intercessor Cindy Jacobs echoes Barbara Wentroble's word from last week about becoming a new wineskin (if you missed that word, click here to read it). God has good things in store, Jacobs tells us—and a strategy for us to become all He wants us to be. Co-founder with…

  • You Can Be a Reformer

    For too long Christians have slept while the devil invaded our culture. God is looking for bold voices to challenge the system.

  • What the Spirit Is Saying

    What the Spirit Is Saying

    There is a new holiness movement coming to the church.

  • Learn to Have a Vibrant Christian Life

    Learn to Have a Vibrant Christian Life

    Life in the Spirit is anything but dull. Learn how obedience to the voice of God is your passport to a vibrant Christian experience. One of the most exciting aspects of the Spirit-filled life is the fact that we can have adventures in God that reveal to those around us His supernatural nature. In the

  • Cindy Jacobs: Live Extraordinary Everyday

    Cindy Jacobs: Live Extraordinary Everyday

    Ordinary believers should see GOD’S POWER demonstrated regularly in their lives. Here’s how to make sure you do. Once when my children, Daniel and Madison, were small, our family visited Los Angeles. Both the kids were acting their age, poking each other in the back seat of our rental car and making accusations such as

  • Tap Into God’s Power

    Tap Into God’s Power

    Ordinary believers should see God's power demonstrated regularly in their lives. Here's how to make sure you do. Once when my children, Daniel and Madison, were small, our family visited Los Angeles. Both the kids were acting their age, poking each other in the back seat of our rental car and making accusations such as…

  • Is Your Child a Prophet in the Making?

    Is Your Child a Prophet in the Making?

    Watching a child’s spiritual development is rewarding. Here’s what you should know if your youngster displays a prophetic gift. Do you have a prophetic child? I empathize! My two grown children, Mary and Daniel, both began exhibiting their prophetic gifts at an early age. I know from firsthand experience that raising a prophetic child can

  • Gaining the Gift of the Prophetic Ministry

    Gaining the Gift of the Prophetic Ministry

    In 1955 a little 4-year-old girl crept up into her mother’s lap. “Mama,” she said, “I want a baby sister.” The young mother smiled, amused by the child’s request. “Sweetheart,” she chuckled, “we’re not having any more children. You’re the last one.” But the 4-year-old was insistent. She just knew Mama was going to have

  • What’s Wrong With Harry Potter?

    Are these juvenile novels harmless? I believe the devil can use them to lure kids into the occult. PLUS: Video Violence: Is It Only a Game?

  • Will You Ignite a Righteous Revolution?

    Will You Ignite a Righteous Revolution?

    God is looking for believers who are willing to fight to restore the biblical foundations in our country. Are you ready to answer the call?When I was a child, one of my favorite parts of the school day was when my teacher would open her big black Bible and read us a Scripture verse. After…

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