
A Wave of God’s Glory Is Coming!

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Cindy Jacobs

Cindy Jacobs

Cindy Jacobs
Last Friday night, February 26th, my husband, Mike, and I had an unusual night. We weren’t speaking at a conference, traveling or busy, so we stayed home and watched the movie Robinson Crusoe.

The next morning we watched in shock and distress as news reached us that an 8.8 magnitude earthquake had shaken Chile during the night and that a tsunami wave had rolled over Robinson Crusoe Island just off the Chilean coast.

While watching the news and praying, I recalled speaking at Chuck Pierce’s Starting the Year off Right conference in Denton, Texas, on December 31, 2009. Chuck prophesied that the Lord would begin to buckle highways as a sign of rearranging the order of the earth so that the covenant with God’s land could now manifest in a way that it was stopped from manifesting in the last season.

Then I proceeded to prophesy about earthquakes: “I’m going to shake the earth. You will begin to see earthquakes. … I am coming to shake everything that can be shaken.”

Look where the earthquakes are hitting because God is going to release a wind of Pentecost in those places. God has a way of taking those things that Satan means for evil and bringing great glory out of them. That will be the case for these disasters.

On January 12, after the December 31 prophecy about earthquakes, Haiti was rocked with a massive 7.0 magnitude shaking (the number “7” symbolizes full circle or completion), and then Chile was hit on February 27. The 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile (“8” symbolizes new beginnings) rocked the city of Concepción, which means “conception” or “birthing.” I believe the event points to the birthing of double new beginnings of glory in the earth. I believe God desires not only to heal Chile and Haiti but also to turn these terrible disasters into good for His people.

As I stated previously, after the earthquake in Chile, a tsunami raced across Robinson Crusoe Island, wreaking havoc there. The people on the island did not receive the warning in time and suffered extreme devastation. However, God is going to touch this little island and rescue it in a unique way, and it will be rebuilt.

The tsunami then swept across the ocean toward Hawaii. The Lord gave me a word in 1992 that Hawaii would become the first Christian state. I asked the Lord, “What is happening?” He replied, ‘I am getting ready to sweep the face of the earth with my glory as the waters cover the sea” (see Hab 2:14).

Hawaii was ready with a prayer army and early warning devices and so was not damaged by this natural tsunami, but the glory of the Lord will remain.

I saw in a vision a gathering of waters, piling up full of glory, that are being prepared to sweep the face of the earth in a great move of prayer, intercession, miracles and glory.

God is coming to shake everything that can be shaken and fill the earth with His glory. The earth is groaning for the manifestation of the sons of God revealing who He is in the nations of the earth. His glory will be seen through all sectors of society: the church (religion), family, government, education, business, arts/entertainment, and media.

About the author: Cindy Jacobs is co-founder with her husband, Mike, of Generals of Intercession (generals.org) and host of God Knows, a weekly television program on which she interviews leaders, teaches, prophesies and prays for the sick. Also founder of the United States Reformation Prayer Network (USRPN), Cindy is inviting individuals and leaders across the nation to join the Jacobs’ ministry in a national prayer initiative for 2010 named “Root 52”–a 52-week prayer strategy to bring the United States back to its covenant roots. For more information, go to generals.org/prayer/rpn/root-52/.

The Jacobs are hosting Convergence 2010 March 4-6 at Trinity Church of Cedar Hill in Cedar Hill, Texas. The theme of the conference is “A Cry to Awaken a Nation,” and Cindy believes the Lord is going to use the conference to release His glory into the seven mountains, or sectors, of society. For more information, and to register to attend in person or watch online, click here.

To see how the Lord is releasing Pentecost in Haiti after the earthquake, just as He prophesied through Cindy that He would, click to watch the video.

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