Cindy Jacobs

  • Responding to the Patriarchal Spirit

    IT IS GOD'S HOUR FOR THE RELEASE OF WOMEN IN EVERY ASPECT OF MINISTRY. BUT HOW DO WE PREVENT AGE-OLD GENDER BIASES FROM HOLDING US BACK?Several years ago I sat in a meeting of pastors and leaders, waiting for my turn to speak. During the introductory message, one of the most influential pastors of the…

  • Whatever Happened To the Ten Commandments?

    MANY PEOPLE TODAY CAN'T EVEN LIST THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. WE MUST TEACH YOUNGER BELIEVERS THAT GOD'S MORAL LAWS ARE AS IMPORTANT TODAY AS THEY WERE WHEN GOD GAVE THEM TO MOSES.A few months ago I read an article in a national newspaper that surprised me. A television talk show commentator had interviewed a number of…

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